A Cuppa Light

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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
    Add your flavor to the Cuppa via the guestbook below. Share something that inspires you, and write about it in the guestbook. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


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Saturday, January 31, 2009

8:38 am hst

Friday, January 30, 2009

Just a Spoonful of Sugar Sweetens Our Lives

Mary Poppins knew that when medicine tastes bad, you just add a little sugar to sweeten it up a bit, and help it go down. It makes perfect sense. Of course we do have to think about it, go get the sugar, and put it in the spoon. How many other areas of life can be sweetened with the sugar of life?  Sometimes we have to face things that we've never had to face before, like loss of a loved one, or loss of a job, a melancholy that won't go away. It may seem that there isn't a spoon large enough to hold the sugar needed to sweeten that up, and who has the energy to go get it anyway?

Love does.  We can ask our God of Love to help heal us, because that is what medicine is for, isn't it?  We pray for healing of body, mind and spirit, give thanks for it coming to us, and then we have to show up. We must believe we have been heard and loved, and then pay attention to what comes our way. We did our job. We recognized that things weren't right. We asked the True Source of our being to help us. Now we need to be aware of what comes our way, which people, stories, information, impulses, and more come  our way. We especially need to pay attention to folks we feel who have wronged us. We may need to forgive them. Grudges can make us quite sick. True forgiveness takes a heavy load off of us, a load we have been feeding with our precious life force energy. Now that energy is available for healing.

Our medicine and sugar will be there. Ask for help from those who love you, and give at least a little something back to them. Give thanks, and know that healing occurs from the inside out. It may take a little while. Maybe not. Expect a miracle, for that draws them to you. We all deserve a life with some sweetness in it.

7:45 am hst

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Giving Women Equal Pay is a Giant Step for All of Us

Kudos to the legislators that voted for equal pay for women. Thank-you for raising the bar for women and their families in the future. In divorces it is most often the mother who gets legal custody, and having to make due with less increases the hardship. She often has to take two or more jobs, and leave her nest far longer than she wants to.

This loss extends over time with fewer social security and pension benefits. This is just another step in our fully understanding about the equality of all of us which comes from our shared heritage of being the holy offspring of One loving Creator. I sigh for all the women who had less for all those decades, and honor you for love you had to support your life and your children's. I pray that you will have faith that your beloved Creator will see that what is owed you will come to you. And I'm sure that you already know that the best things in life can't be bought.

7:53 am hst

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And the Little Children will Lead Us

Yesterday I had the pleasure of going to "Na Aina Kai", a privately owned botannical garden of 280 acres in Kilauea on Kaua'i. It was sheer joy to see someone's vision, love and joy manifested for all of us to enjoy. What touched me the most are over 100 statues. Mostly they showed animals scattered appropriately in the environment surrounding them, and children playing.

Ponytails were flying and big toes were upturned as they pulled in fish, rode on ponies, and leashed in dogs, swung on swings, related with their elders and much more. They read the classics, played instruments, and cuddled up with each other. Several artists cast Normal Rockwellish pieces that felt very "good ole days". Less so in Hawaii, but still somewhat ture,  our children grow up too fast, and too isolated from nature to truly appreciate its gift. The gardens even had a special play area for children to climb and explore. My heartfelt wish for you today is that you have at least one experience that will curl your toes with joy and "fly your ponytail" with energy.

6:45 am hst

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

If the Enemy Inclines Toward Peace

In the mid-nineties a group called "The Peace Seeds" studied the scriptures of the major world religions, and found peace prayers in them. They gave them to James Twyman who included them in his book, Emissary of Light. An excerpt of the Islamic Prayer for Peace states, "If the enemy inclines toward peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things."

Recently there has been controversy over President Obama's decision to close Guantanamo Bay Prison, where Islamic terrorists are held. Several prisoners have been released to Saudi Arabian programs where they are urged to abandon their terrorist ways and become more adapted to civilian life. Two former prisoners have returned to Al-Quaida. President Obama has extended the Peace Flag to the Islamic community world wide. Let us all pray that they will remember their scriptures. Let us pray that we remember Who is in charge, and live our lives as peacefully as we can, so that the vibration of peace extends into our world. To become fearful, angry and violent adds that to the world. The Islamic scripture has value for us all.

9:42 am hst

If the Enemy Inclines Toward Peace

In the mid-nineties a group called "The Peace Seeds" studied the scriptures of the major world religions, and found peace prayers in them. They gave them to James Twyman who included them in his book, Emissary of Light. An excerpt of the Islamic Prayer for Peace states, "If the enemy inclines toward peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things."

Recently there has been controversy over President Obama's decision to close Guantanamo Bay Prison, where Islamic terrorists are held. Several prisoners have been released to Saudi Arabian programs where they are urged to abandon their terrorist ways and become more adapted to civilian life. Two former prisoners have returned to Al-Quaida. President Obama has extended the Peace Flag to the Islamic community world wide. Let us all pray that they will remember their scriptures. Let us pray that we remember Who is in charge, and live our lives as peacefully as we can, so that the vibration of peace extends into our world. To become fearful, angry and violent adds that to the world. The Islamic scripture has value for us all.

9:40 am hst

Monday, January 26, 2009

An Alternative to Judging Others

Judging others is exhausting. One has to be diligent in finding out what another has done, and then hold it up to some kind of standard or value, and see how they measure up. And how do we know our standard is right? Look at the American political scene right now. The standard has changed.

It's difficult to be neutral, or able to see without biases, and being able to read the person's soul. To get a glimpse of a person's life and think that you can make a judgment is, well, arrogant. You know, our in-laws rarely stop by, and when they do our spouses put on their very best, so of course when there are problems that arise in the marriage it must be our fault. A wise parent-in-law might say, "Well I'm sure you two be able to work it out. Get professional help if you need it."  Because, if they've taken sides, when the kids work it out the in-law will have alienated someone...unless that person can be nonjudgmental of the in-laws' judgment, or at least be forgiving.

A  Course In Miracles  states that only God can judge.The rest of us have to trust that things are working themselves out as they are supposed to. We can be supportive as much as possible to all those we come in contact with. Jesus said, "Love one another." and "Judge not." Supporting others, even if only verbally, rather than judging is much easier on the mind and body, much less stressful and more fun. Maybe you'd like to do your own research about it. Try a day of not judging anyone, and trusting that God will take care of things. Be supportive, but don't overstep your own boundaries, and see how you feel. Sending much love and support to you!

11:50 am hst

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Ambition to Meaning"

Aloha! Yesterday I saw a video entitled "Ambition to Meaning". The film has not been released to the general public yet, but individuals can make arrangements to get the CD and have private showings. Dr. Wayne Dyer's philosophy about the changes we make from the morning to the afternoon of our lives is the star of this video. The core of the plot is the "filming" of a talk Dr. Dyer is giving at a retreat center. His talk is  interspersed with events occurring within the lives of others at the center that demonstrate points in the talk. Dr. Dyer shares lovely personal experiences: his miracle, how he was able to effortlessly release something that had a hold on him, and how he experiences the Tao as it lives through him.

He also coined a great little acronym for ego: "Edging God Out". Most of the video is about allowing God back in. He states that we have all we need inside, and if we don't push for things to happen, the divine seed of us sprouts and fulfills the destiny already planned for us. It is what will make us truly happy. Angst can occur in the period when we know that we need to make a change, but don't know exactly how the change will manifest. The remedy seems to be peaceful trusting, following happiness and what gives meaning to our lives, and allowing God to draw what we need to us. Humility helps. I recommend viewing "Ambition to Meaning" if you can find it. Or, Google it, and you create the showing of it for your loved ones and friends.

12:26 pm hst

Saturday, January 24, 2009

That Which Expresses Light Stands Out

[I have had requests to choose a larger print. I hope this is better.]

On the way home from Lihu'e, at about 6:40pm yesterday, I looked toward the west, and saw a small flock of brilliantly lit golden coral colored cirrus clouds peering between the purple gray clouds that mostly filled the sky. My eye kept being drawn to them. They were cheerful looking amidst the common gloom. Scientifically I know their color was caused by being lit up by the sun, while the purple clouds were in the shadows.

We, who are Light Beings inside, sometimes allow shadow to come between our True Selves and our world, but when the Light radiating from someone is expressed, all who look upon it are blessed and brightened. The Light within them recognizes it, and amps up a bit. So the light we radiate has the potential to grow in exponential proportions, and some of it will even come back to bathe and inspire us.

8:39 am hst

Friday, January 23, 2009

Losing and Finding my Voice at the Same Time

It is an absolute joy for me to sing with the Kaua'i Chorale. The Chorale has from 70 -120 singers each season. Most songs have a minimum of alto, soprano, tenor and bass parts, and the richness of the blending of sounds and dynamics lifts my consciousness. My individual voice becomes part of the sound of soprano, which soars and dips in an interweaving of other voices.  Sometimes the sounds are melodious harmonies and sometimes unusual stirring combinations.

I imagine that the Real world is a bit like this. Our individual vibration blends with the many vibrations of the whole, creating a rich fullness that one voice couldn't express. Yet the whole is incomplete without all of the voices. Each benefits from the relationship.


10:00 pm hst

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beginning Again

Someone very dear to me recently received his 6 month sobriety honors in AA. This represents years of work from going to "I don't have a problem." to "Maybe I have a problem." to "I have a problem." to "I need help with this problem." to "I'm solving this problem." I am so very proud of all the starts and restarts, and the humility of admitting mistakes, and the refocusing forward. We all need to start things over at some time in our lives. Sometimes it's of our own choosing, and sometimes the universe seemingly kicks us into it, but removing something we love, or giving us something new to deal with.

The reality is that our Divine Self draws to us what we need to live the life plan that we designed for ourselves. By focusing inward to our Spiritual Selves, we get the picture more clearly, but until we are very practiced in this, our information is still filtered by our own predispositions and wants. So we may make some false starts, and it's embarassing to be wrong, but who among us can judge another, really? How greatly is the one appreciated who smiles, and helps us dust the errors off and tune in a little more precisely this time.

The USA is in a sense beginning again, examining its directions, reclaiming its values, and listening to the many who make up the whole. We can pull for each other, and not kick a person when he's down, or criticize all the things that are wrong. We can focus on what is right, and above all else, make sure that we are on the best path for ourselves. We do make a difference one way or the other.

2:26 pm hst

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Celebrate Today

We are still celebrating President Obama's victory, because many of us feel we are taking a closer step to being free to be who we are. On Oprah today Forest Whitaker stated that he believed that Obama not only understood how we think, but how we feel. Obama for the first time included Muslims and non-believers in this inaugural address. He did not recognize them as the enemy, but embraced them as part of the whole. Perhaps it's because he does not fear those who believe differently, because he knows that we are all created equal. Because we can observe differences on physical and mental levels, we must be created equal spiritually. So even though we manifest differently, we are still equal in our inner spiritual core.

That core is powerful and inclusive. It attracts us to life experiences that will awaken us to its highest expressions. Being able to express ourselves without worrying about persecution hastens the process of awakening. Our chosen paths, or religions are stepping stones. When we reach enlightenment we will be outside the mental constructs of any church or creed, yet any one that embraces a Creator and some medium, like the Holy Spirit, or angels, or ancestral spirits to link us to the Eternal One can help us get there. What a glorious time we live in!

8:39 pm hst

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pulling a Little more Weight can be Fun

Nelson Mandela spoke for many today, saying something like "All the world has been feeling a bit forlorn, and now all the world is feeling a bit buoyed up." because of Barack Obama's election. The people I've talked to do feel more hopeful. However, President Obama told it like it is, something like, "We'll all have to work a little harder for awhile." and "We'll have to learn to work a little more for the greater common good, than for our individual interests.

So let's get busy! Those of us who have been on the planet long enough know that when a whole group gets better, the individuals in it get better, and vise versa. What would this country look like if we had 100% literacy, and there was housing and health care for everyone? Or if everyone was eating wholesome food, and we learned to stop dependence on petroleum products? Or what if we learned how to listen and problem solve when conflicts arose instead of escalating to violence? Or if we learned how to be still inside, and truly, relax, and trusted that we are drawn to the religion that is most appropriate for their understanding at the time, and they they would continue to evolve toward Light and truth because their beloved Creator never stopped calling to their hearts? 

On Kaua'i, people extend aid and help to the less fortunate all the time, and it's not the rich either. It's the lower middle class that gives the most. People come from the mainland to build houses for Habitat for Humanity. People leave Kaua'i to help children in Africa. Creating a meaningful common goal and working with others towards it makes you feel good. I've been in many work parties, and they're fun. We'll each find a way to add to the whole in a way that works best for us. Our contributions shouldn't come from guilt, or shoulds, but from an honest desire to be a part of the solution to rebuild our country and world. What would your "dream world" look like? How can you help make it so? Follow your dream.


9:59 pm hst

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dawn Has Come to the United States

Just as dawn brings first light, but is yet a harbinger of the full light to come, so has the dawn of respect shed its light equally on the people of the USA. We have overcome much, and we can overcome fully. I feel deep gratitude to all of the people worldwide who have been willing to judge a person by his character rather than the color of his skin. That was Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream for us all so long ago.

Everyone who has been willing to accept that all men [and women] are created equal in spirit have led the people to this new appreciation for each other. It has taken thousands of years, and we aren't there yet, but there is no turning back. Obama's popularity is now an all time high of 79%. This is a man who practically embodies the world cultures: half black, half white, raised by an Indonesian father, and given a middle name that resonates with the Middle East. This man was not just elected by those who voted for him, but by everyone who wants to believe that together we can lift everyone up a little higher. I know that Martin Luther King Jr. is smiling, wherever he is.

7:45 am hst

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sometimes Good People just say Bad Things
Someone who loves me, said something very sharp and unnecessary. I’d called to ask where something was, and was given the degrading comment “You’ve seen it before.”
He had shown it to me once, or maybe twice but before Christmas. Anyway, does his comment imply that I’m an idiot for not knowing? that I have a bad memory? that I’m wasting his time? It would have felt better to just have been told where it was. And I can add that I had spent quite a bit of time looking something up for him and emailing it, and that I was late to meet someone in town, and had spent the day planning the Kaua’i Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Celebration, and was STRESSED.  I snapped out a rude comment and hung up on him. It wasn’t premeditated. I just snapped.

But it bothered me for 24 hours. I like to be treated nicely. I hated his comment to me. My rudeness didn’t help. We’ve apologized, and we’ll work out the real issues when we have time. We always do, and events like this are rare. It made me look back, and some of my saddest moments are when people have been mean to me or others that I know and love. A Course in Miracles states that the ego responds first, then the Holy Spirit corrects. Big arguments occur when we don’t listen to our inner voice of sanity, and let the ego run wild with things like [I think he thinks] “I’m wasting his time, I have a bad memory, etc.” Next time I’m going to say something like, “Well I’m just going to pretend that you didn’t say that.”  I’ll let you know how it works out. I truly know that we are connected in, by and through Love. Sometimes good people just say bad things.

10:19 am hst

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes"
Yesterday marked the 3rd time that a blog I wrote was blown away in cyberspace. Ironically, yesterday I wrote about how a very bad wind storm had been predicted, such that they closed the schools on Oahu, Mauai, and Kauai. We were urged to stock up. I found myself getting a bit nervous as I envisioned what might happen, but realized that I was negatively co-creating. Instead I chose to pray to our Loving Creator that our beautiful land, sea, and all beings be protected. In Hawaii families tell me their ancestral spirits stay close. I also believe that we have helpers in the spirit world, so I lovingly asked  the uhane and kupuna to do what they could to keep us safe, and I gave thanks for their love.

We did have some wind, and rain, and many rainbows. I did have to raise some of my potted
plants that blew over. The power went off and on a few times, but there were no casualties. I don’t know how many of us prayed, but today the prayers were of gratitude.  Dr. Serge King's third huna principal is, “Energy flows where attention goes.” That's true whether we are conscious of it or not. Let’s be conscious and visualize the highest good for all of us.

11:40 am hst

Friday, January 16, 2009

Make Your Own Miracles

As I write this, Kaua'i is under a storm warning. They have closed down the schools here, on Oahu and Maui, and we are advised to wrap up and stock up. I've always been stocked up since the Asheville, NC blizzard of 1993, but I found myself getting a bit anxious. I began to wonder what could happen: power lines down, flash flooding, branches landing on homes and cars. I stopped myself, because our thoughts create. I did not want to co-create these events. Rather, I went out into my back yard. It was evening and the stars peeked out brilliantly through the clouds in the night sky. There were warm breezes that felt more like kisses than threats. And I prayed.

I felt such incredible love for all living things on this island, I named them, and asked that they be protected: the new baby across the street, the little children everywhere, the animals, our plants, our elders, and our adults, and our land and waters. I asked the 'Uhani and kupuna, the Hawaiian spirits, and ancestors who had lived on and loved these lands, to please take care of us. I couldn't stop there, and envisioned our Mother Earth enfolded in a beautiful protective golden light. I found my voice changed as I prayed. First it was timid and almost pleading. Then it was warm and firm and certain that only what had to be would be. And I had peace. I emailed my friends to pray also, and went to bed.

This morning when I went outside, I saw an incredible rainbow over my friend's home who had the baby. I again prayed prayers of gratitude, and continued watchfulness, as the storm warning continues through 6 pm tonight. I have done what I can, and trust the Beloved to direct the chorus as it is meant to be, and I have peace.

10:52 am hst

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sometimes What you Need to say is Nothing

In my spiritual practice I know that what I need to say will be given to me. However, I've learned that sometimes what I need to say is nothing, especially in an argument or confrontation. Since only about 3% of communication is actually verbal, a lot can be said in a pause. Sometimes what we need to say goes beyond the scope of words, or we know that the other person wouldn't understand our perspective at the moment, so it is best to return to peace, or hold peace in that instant. And there is always a mantrum that has worked for me for years. I think it silently to myself, "I love you anyway." Try it, you'll like it.

7:03 am hst

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feng Shui Workshop

I attended a Feng Shui Workshop for the year, which must amuse my friends, because my philosophy believes that the best way to live is to spend time every day attuning to the sacred self within us, which is connected to God, and offering ourselves to be guided by It. When we need to make a decision, we check within to see if it feels right as far as we can sense for the highest good for the most people, and that will lead us to right action and right living. As Flo Calhoun teaches, "If you support Spirit, Spirit will support you." But I didn't want to be ignorant, and not really know Feng Shui. So I took Grand Master Hong Liu's "Feng Shui for the Year" workshop, and learned where Feng Shui comes from.

I spent a day at this workshop, and can only humbly share what I learned in that time. I learned of its many thousands of years-old roots, which stem from the I Ching, and that there are several schools of Feng Shui. Feng Shui helps humans take advantage of the changes of energy in our 3 dimensional slice of the universe. Each Chinese New Year, which is Jan. 26, 2009 this year, energies change. Each person according to his Chinese animal sign is affected differently. Feng shui teaches people that they can strengthen certain areas of their lives to help deal with the natural universal expression. HOWEVER,  he said several times that it is not absolute. "Feng Shui is the frame, and we are the painting." He sated that there are four things that affect one's life: Destiny (can be good or bad, weak or strong), luck (which is cyclical and relates somewhat to our slice of the cosmic pie), feng shui (harmonizing luck), and the cultivation of good deeds and virtue. In other words, if you get your house and office all Feng Shui'd, yet still treat others poorly and live with limitations in your mind, they'll cancel each other out. Acting kindly and virtuously brings better luck although not always right away. So enjoy creating some goodness for yourself by giving freely of it to others.



10:20 am hst

Monday, January 12, 2009

What will Unify Us?

Many prophesies point to the year of 2012 as an auspicious time. The very best I've heard is that religions will stop their bickering and begin to see themselves as either One, or beautiful parts of a beautiful whole. I have to ask myself, what is it that keeps organizations who say that they speak in the name of God to separate themselves ideologically and spiritually from others who simply don't believe as they do.

If I am my sister's sister, then that is a truth, no matter what I choose to think. We are Spiritual family. The bummer is that one can't see Spirit. Spirit knows Itself, and doesn't interfere with the ego, which is where our consciousness resides unless invited. So as long as we are ego-driven, we aren't aware of our connection. The prophesies make me think that somehow events cause us to become aware of our Oneness again. Perhaps that is why we are having to go through such tough times right now. But perhaps we can sweeten our lot if we begin from the premise that we are One, and work for the best for all, right now. Will we be unified in resolving disasters, or unified because we choose to love each other, or both?

8:35 am hst

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Open for a Hug

I'm relatively new to the Qi Center in Kauai. Last night Grand Master Hong offered a free immunity enhancement event with a lecture, herbal patch treatment, suggested foods to eat during the winter months, and exercises specifically geared to the yin nature of this time of year. He says that we have a little part of the universe in ourselves, and are affected by universal events. I volunteered to help, and my task was to direct newly arriving attendees to the registration tables.

I didn't recognize the mother of the lead teacher of the center, and when I approached her, she assumed I knew her, and opened her arms for hugging. She was so well loved that she just expected me to hug her. And of course, I did. There's something irresistible about someone genuinely smiling at you and wanting to exchange a hug. Her openness to hugging came from receiving many great hugs from those who loved and respected her. We can teach people to hug by hugging them. Hugs are great! Human's thrive on about 8 hugs a day, and the best way to get one is to give one. 

9:05 am hst

Friday, January 9, 2009

Even One Degree off Course can get you Quite Lost

I'm sharing last night's dream: I'm seeing through the mind of a 30ish browned skinned, black haired man in a motorboat race around an island. I'm in first place. I love the ride: the sea the wind the mana of it. Time quickly passes.

I am now in the mind of a 30ish blond woman at the race's celebratory ending event. I am the girlfriend of the man. Everyone is waiting for him, but I know something is wrong. A man at the event is angry and wants to levy a fine on my late lover. I snap at him and plea for compassion, asking for a search party to go for him.

I am back in the boat. Dusk is upon me. I should have finished by now. I turn and look toward the shore, and it is not familiar to me. I'm very far out and I see great lumpy white cliffs graying in the imposing dark. I've gone off course! How far? I point my ship to shore. Will I have enough fuel to return? When it gets dark will I be able to see my way to shore or steer away from boulders?

I wake up here, and feel very unsettled. How will it end? In this state between waking and sleeping I return to the dream and observe from a distant vantage point that the man for some reason has to paddle back the last little bit. The waves help him somewhat. I see him drag his boat up the beach away from the water, and know he is safe. I leave the dream.

When praying about what to write today, all I wanted to write about was the dream segment of the man getting off course, and how even just a tiny degree of being off course can get one way far from the target. I see that as a possible teaching of this dream, and will check in with Source for myself. But I was led to share about the whole dream. I've never dreamed a dream with 2 perspectives before. I believe that love was the bridge between the man and the woman, and that I was just getting a glimpse of how it connects us. 

11:22 am hst

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Love is Priceless, and we all have an Endless Supply

Before my daughter Mary died at 23, I'd read obituaries about other children who'd died at that age or so, and while I realized the parents must have felt extreme grief, I also thought, "What a waste! All those years and the time and money put into that child, and it's all gone." Well that was definitely my analytical ego speaking. The love exchanged between my daughter and my family for the time she was here was worth much more than her expenses might have cost on paper. I never ever considered it a waste, and would have paid much more to keep her here longer. We just can't measure love. I still feel Mary's love, and its effects. The memories are priceless.

Twenty years ago I was in a car accident and I remember the warm, strong hand of a  stranger who reached into the car, and held mine. It was at that time my link to life, because I couldn't move right away, and I thought I was paralyzed. I'm tearing up now as I remember how his caring for me made me feel safe, and that someone knew I was hurt, and would call for help. Do I remember the gifts I got that year, my hairstyle, or what name brand of clothes I was wearing? No. It was that love, and the love of others that I remember. Love is what will endure. And [I've said it before] isn't it fabulous that we have an endless supply of it!


9:11 am hst

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Seeing a Broader Picture

I'm happy to report that the situation I spoke about yesterday is healing quickly. I shared with my friend what I'd written yesterday. She really liked the part about being medicine when another is hurting so much, and began to think differently which created a softening in her, and the criticisms ceased. A Course In Miracles would go so far as to say that any time one is caught up in defending or attacking another, one is acting insanely. Rather, we can remember that at the true level we are one, and that our "Inner Teachers" carefully decide the exact time and place to meet each other. Lessons can come easily or with resistance and stress.

The difficulty is that we are taught to rely on our egos. Our egos often can't get us out of a current situation, because they helped get us into it!  It is necessary to call on a higher source. Some call on Jesus, some call on the Holy Spirit, Buddha, Source, Creator, Higher Power, etc. It's the energy and not the name that is important. I'll call it HS. HS is linked to all beings, and the great One. HS has the ability to know the best decisions for us. We, with our limited understanding of life, or another person's life, or even our own lives, are just not able to judge another.

The next step is that we need to be still and get a sense of what we are to do or say. Now this can take a little while, or can be instantaneous. It often depends upon our need. The important criterion is that the answer that you receive will move you both toward peace. After all, the ultimate broader picture is that we are One, and there isn't "better, best, more or less etc." in Oneness.

1:14 pm hst

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Tough Time

Someone I dearly love is spending time with a relative who sees nothing wrong with criticizing her in public, and making negative comments about her political position, what she eats, what she wears, her hair, her body, her parents, and more. It is causing me to feel my duality. I love her, so I feel pain for her. Yet I know that she is in Truth, not a body, so none of these things apply. I have shared that with her, but at 19, she only has the beginning of an intellectual understanding. We learn in levels. First we encounter a concept, then over time we test its validity. We then accept it, and then more or less absorb it as it becomes who we are.

I have rarely met anyone who treated me so cruelly. Unfortunately when I did they were in key positions in my life. But I learned from them. Here are a few responses that might help: Laugh, and walk away; Say, "Thanks for your judgment." (The Bible and other sacred sources tell us not to judge others, and most people stop.); Say, "Thanks for your opinion. Next time please wait till I ask for it." Say , "Well I'm happy, are you?"or "Not in my world."

Remember that only unhappy people send out such negativity. Perhaps they themselves are having a tough time. We are LOVE. We are their medicine, and if we begin to feel toxic, it's time to recharge by meditating, praying, getting in nature, and being with loving people. Peace begins in our own hearts. Over time it can take any hit. Grow strong my love, grow strong!

8:52 am hst

Monday, January 5, 2009

Argument Busters

What is the quickest way to end an argument? Give it no juice. If we disengage from or refocus the argument, it's over. The real issue under many arguments is, "Do you love me?" Another is, "Do you think I'm smart?" Getting to a win-win here means acknowledging the needs of the other person, and responding positively to it.

Now if we are needy too, it becomes more difficult. If we don't think the other person loves us, we may engage in a rather strange activity. We point out how the other person doesn't love us. "You always drink the last cup of coffee. I had to wait for you for an hour. I saw you flirting!" Is this making us more lovable and appealing? It can actually add fuel to the fire. Is it possible to give our persons a hug or a smile and say, "Let me think about this."? We're giving the love, which they are unsure of, and buying cool down time to get clear about what we really want, and how to approach them on what they want. Who wants to win an argument and lose a friend or lover?

My wonderful husband stopped a tirade I was on by asking simply, "What do you want?" I had to stop and think about it. When I was clear, I presented my needs. He thought they were reasonable, and we both felt better. By asking what I needed, he demonstrated that he cared, and cut to the real issue. It was such a powerful argument buster, that I can remember it to this day, 24 years later!

9:31 am hst

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Miracles to Share

Besides the childhood visual miracles, Bible story miracles and the great effects demonstrating Moses' miracles against the pharaoh in the movie, "The Ten Commandments",  I hadn't had much experience with modern day miracles until I read "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda in the mid 70's. He related a story of how he was on an ocean liner, and was asked to speak at a gathering. He had vowed to serve Spirit, and so said yes. There was one problem. He was to speak in English, which he didn't know. His faith and focus were so complete that he delivered the speech in English perfectly. That was very cool to me, but what was going on now?

In 1980 I met an English woman named Elian who was a student of the White Eagle teachings. She had a little home in the Shetland Islands, and told a story of how she had been alone one night when three men broke in. She believed that they meant to rape her. She called to White Eagle to help her although she had no idea what form it would take. In a few moments she noticed that the men were looking for her. Somehow she had become invisible.  to them. Stealthily she made her way to the door and escaped. Hearing Elian's story fueled my love and appreciation for God. Our beloved Creator was truly approachable, still loved us, and wanted to help us. It deepened my faith, and they are shared today to help deepen yours. If anyone has more to share, please send them in. Blessings All!



10:08 am hst

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Biting your Tongue

It was fun helping out in the kitchen for Elaine and Wes' annual New Year's Day brunch. I was with 2 other pals, and we cranked out the massive casseroles and washed dishes for the over 250 people that came. We'd take turns mingling with our friends. I was on a lunch break on the lanai, and talking with another friend when She came in... loudly. The conversation was now all about Her. That's O.K. I like people. She told us about the 83 jobs that she'd had in her fortyish life. My friend said, "83 jobs,and master of none." She replied, "I'm the best interior designer in the world."

Just then someone brought Her large chocolate lab to Her. She admonished us to watch him "sit", which he didn't do. Nearly immediately after, my friend went back to the buffet line, and I returned to the kitchen. Now the dessert table was off the kitchen about 10 feet, and She was ready for dessert. She wandered over to the sink where we were working, and grabbed a serving spoon. As She returned to the dessert table, She held the spoon aloft stating, "I have the spoon. I am the one in power." Isn't that wonderful? She has the power over the mousse!

Shortly after that She came up to us and said, "I'd help you with the dishes, but I'd have to get someone to watch my dog." I asked Her why she brought her dog to the party. She asked me if I thought it was in bad taste, and I replied that I thought it was inconsiderate. She countered about  his being so well trained, and like a person. I didn't say anything more. But here I am two days later wishing I'd bitten my tongue, and said nothing. People just have different ways of being and seeing things, and I didn't need to pass a judgment on Her. She wasn't able to "get" what I was saying anyway. So, sometimes it hurts less to bite your tongue, than to have a malaise later. Fortunately, in my spiritual practice, I can return my thoughts at any time to the ultimate perfection of the both of us, and know that all is well.

9:19 am hst

Friday, January 2, 2009

What if Love is All There Is?

We've got it, we know we've got it, because at times we can feel it. I'm not talking about the romantic swoozy kind of love. That comes from the gonads and emotions. I'm talking about the deep sense of inclusive all rightness, peaceful and accepting kind of love. True love was and is created by our Source, and the Source within us. It's the way God, and enlightened beings look at themselves and others. Thank goodness they can see the true us beyond our ego cloaks!

At the end of each day will we be able to say that when love came to us we embraced it, added to it, and distributed it generously to all that came upon our path? And if we didn't, can we review our day and send that true love blessing to them before we go to sleep. They will get it, because love is all there truly is, and that is who we are.

10:01 am hst

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Dear ones,

There is a great thought form building of hope, faith in the inner goodness of man, and the willingness to release one's personal ego trip for the betterment of the collective race of man. Jump on the bandwagon, for it will take us ultimately to heaven on earth.

Yoko Ono and the government of Iceland have created an amazing sustainable monument of light, and she has written a beautiful prayer for us for 2009. I highly recommend that you visit it at www.imaginepeace.com. You can add your blessings there. We are at the verge of remembering that if we help another, we help ourselves. If we harm another, we harm ourselves, and if we love another, we love ourself.

I have much hope for our spiritual family, and limitless love for us too. Joy! Health! Peace! and Abundance to you in 2009. And always, much Love,


9:29 am hst

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