A Cuppa Light

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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Lord's Prayer translated from Aramaic

Jesus spoke Aramaic. Recently people have been returning to scriptures in Aramaic to better understand what Jesus was stating that may have been lost in translation. I had the privilege of attending a gathering given by Maria Lawrence from “The Way of the Heart” group. She gave the Aramaic translation of “The Lord’s Prayer”. She stated that Jesus was a master of sound, and chose words for the effects that the sound had on people. We listened to a DVD by Jay Hammer speaking it, and not knowing Aramaic, we were affected by the sounds. A web site source she gave me was www.wayofmastery.com.

Using this prayer with conscious and openness helps strip away that which we are not, and helps us receive that which we are. Maria refers to the Lord’s Prayer as “Attuning to the Cosmic Fire”. I suggest that we open to the memory of a God of Love before we begin. You might want to leave enough time to spend a few minutes in stillness after the prayer.

“Oh shimmering and eternal Presence illuminating all!

We restore our holy union with you by breathing Your holy Breath.

The penetrating rays of Your Power and Beauty melt our rigidities, and
we are now receptive to Your vision for us.

We are surrendered to Your wondrous design as our mystical union
infuses our earthly forms with the power of your Light.

The infusion of Your nurturing Wisdom will now carry us
through the sacred moments of this day.

Just as Your Light’s infusion dissolves our hidden fears, we extend and
share this light, so that others too, can dissolve their hidden fears.

Your streaming Rays of Wisdom and Power release us from all forgetfulness
that leads to the constrictions of useless fears

Now! Your illumined stream of radiant Light is embodied, and your Presence is here as ‘us’ carrying me in Your stream of Grace from gathering to gathering!

[amen] The truth is sealed in our hearts, with unwavering commitment.

10:40 am hst

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Choosing Peace (for those who want to awaken)
There are times in our lives when we are challenged by others, circumstances, health, and even our own beliefs. We know that peace is important otherwise the major world religions wouldn’t have suggested that we try to reach it. I discovered a wonderful section in Dialogue on Awakening, by Tom and Linda Carpenter that I want to share. I have their permission. They want to share anything that will help other come to peace. Perhaps this is why (p. 43) “The reason to choose peace is that it is not of the illusion. [our physical and mental world] It is a reflection of Reality. Choices made that do not bring you peace validate the illusion and keep your attention on it.”

They go on to state that in order to experience peace, we need to retrain our minds to see peace in all we do. For most of us, that’s a challenge because we are so comfortable with the chaotic thought patterns of the ego that continually course through our minds. It seems as though it would be very complicated to change these patterns, but it isn’t if we focus on the one that we want, peace. An exercise to help us is offered. (p. 46-47) “…as you are going through any process recognize that you are going through it to attain a state of peace. Be aware that each thing you do, no matter what it may be, you are doing it to achieve peace...With each thing you do consciously repeat in your mind, “I do this to attain peace. I do this because it brings me peace.” 

They suggest that we do it when we brush our teeth, and other mundane things, as well as in our meditations and quiet times to establish a pattern which will then carry over into more difficult times which I will write about tomorrow. May peace be your companion today.

7:03 am hst

Monday, May 18, 2009

Partnering with God 5: Evaluating Guidance
Chapters could be written on evaluating guidance, and have been. But here is a simple standard. We’ve followed all the steps, intending, releasing and trusting the Holy Spirit or Source to lead. We’ve stilled our minds, and focused on opening to love…and then we feel the peace. It begins to permeate through our body, and we feel that Spirit really wants to connect to us. This first rush, similar to the joyous feeling we experience when seeing a cherished old friend is what creates the juice and establishes the connection. Spirit has no need for words. It is love expressing itself. Spirit just wants to love you, and be loved by you. This love is probably experienced differently by everyone, but it will be healing.

Holy Spirit is the liaison between Spirit and our minds. Holy Spirit may use words if they are necessary. Now our ego can mimic the Holy Spirit and sound pretty righteous. I’ve heard it called “The Holy Ego” in some circles. So how can we tell the difference? The Holy Spirit loves all of God’s kids equally, and is respectful. Holy Spirit would never give us guidance that was demeaning to us or to another. Holy Spirit’s answers would guide the being back to heath, love, joy and peace. Holy Spirit would strengthen the character of one who needed it, say if one was falsely accused of something, by helping them feel connected to Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn’t judge.

Sometimes our questions aren’t answered in the moment because we might not really want to hear the answer, or we have self-doubt, but it will come. It may come via a friend, something seen in a TV show, a newspaper article, a hunch to do something that when followed leads to your answer, and more. Life becomes an exciting dance, as we look for answers in every day experience.

The beings who heard God, Noah, Moses, Samuel, David, Elijah, and Joan of Arc, name a few, were given information to help others. In Inner Light Consciousness training we affirm, “I will bring to your remembrance whatever you have need of from the foundation of the world.” Need seems to be a key in my experience. When a person has a strong need, the answers come clearly. When a person is just curious about something, it can feel like pulling answers from somewhere.

Finally, there are the gifts of grace. When my newborn daughter was not gaining weight, Mother Mary came to me in a dream and told me to add gelatine to her diet. When I gave it to her, she began gaining weight right away.

We always have to use discernment, and fully trust that God loves us and wants us to be happy and experience peace. We can ask ourselves, will what I received in guidance bring me peace? If so, most likely it came from Spirit.

9:04 pm hst

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Partnering with God 4: L-I-S-T-E-N
We’ve made our intention, released the past to focus on the now, stilled our minds, and now we listen, in the sense of opening to what the Holy Spirit might want us to know. Rarely does it come in words, but it can, Sometimes we might hear just one important phrase. Or it may come as an image. If we strongly need to know something and we finally relax and turn it over to Spirit, Spirit may show us a picture in our minds of an option we can follow. Most of the time, we get a profound sense of peace and all rightness, for that is how it is in the world of Spirit… all encompassing love with no egos  clashing. Attuning to this vibration creates healing and harmony in our bodies and minds.

This acronym has helped me remember to listen better when I’ve been stressed or distracted:

L- Love:  Think, “I love and I open to love.” This helps raise our vibrational frequencies to receive.
I – Interested:  “I’m interested, enthusiastic and focused.” Awareness takes energy
S – Sincere:  “I sincerely want to know the truth.” 
T- Time: Allow plenty of time for the experience. It’s difficult to stay in awareness mode when one is worried about keeping an appointment.
E- Empowerment:  “I open myself to be empowered as a loving child of God.”
N- Non-judgmental: We mustn’t judge our meditations. We’re not capable of judging anyway. The peace we experience in meditation will carry us over the rough spots in our lives. Also, as we become more attuned to Spirit in our meditations, it becomes easier to attune to Spirit in our daily lives.

Checking the validity of guidance is tomorrow's very important lesson.

7:00 am hst

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Partnering With God 3: Peace, Be Still
Jesus was able to calm stormy winds with the words, “Peace, Be Still”. [Mark 4:39] It may seem easier sometimes to calm the winds than to calm our busy mind thoughts that seem to come up when we choose to be still and join with Spirit. But these three words may help if they are followed with a return to the peaceful “no thought” state. That is the goal of meditation. We have to stop the running of the mind to get to the being of the Spirit.  If one gets frustrated at the mind, then the mind has won. You are back in the state of your lower mind functioning. But by meditating two times a day for about twenty minutes or more we become aware of some of our minds’ games. We’ll see how our mind tries to hook us into its activity. For some of us it is thinking about all the things we need to do, others are distracted by emotions, and there are many more hooks.  Whatever our hooks are, we must master them.

Returning to the initial goal of meditation helps. We want to experience the love and peace of God. We know that God loves us, but we want to experience the peace and joy of it. We can tell ourselves that we want our kingdom on earth to be like heaven, which is peaceful and full of love, and from that foundation we want our earthly activity to stem. I’ve gone to meditation many times when I felt overwhelmed by the world. I set my intention, drop the past, and focus on opening to the peace. The renewal that comes is humbling and awe-inspiring, not to mention energizing. The body and mind will respond to our using “Peace, be still.”  The ego can learn. As a bonus, we can use “Peace, be still” during the day when we find our mind spinning away from where we want it to be.  And breathe some nice slow deep breaths.

7:02 am hst

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Partnering with God Part 2: Releasing the Past
After we’ve set an intention to serve God, and energized it with the expectancy that we will be able to open to Spirit, we have to let go of all of the beliefs that say that we can’t do it.  We have to:
1.    Drop all of our perceived failures at earlier attempts. We are still and always have been Spirit, with full integrity, in spite of the mistakes we’ve made in our separated ego thinking.
2.    Clear ourselves of negative thinking. If we feel we are not worthy, the resulting vibration will prevent us from perceiving that we are connecting. It is important to forgive ourselves and others. Carrying a grudge affirms separation. We have to sincerely walk in faith that God is Love, and we and all others are a part of that One. In true Oneness, there are no petty squabbles. We all love and are loved maximally. There are not body or ego needs. If we can drop our mind’s and body’s demands for this special time, we can experience a relaxation, a letting go of our own directives so that we can begin to experience the love and joy of Spirit.
3.    Some people focus on relaxed breathing, to keep the mind focused away from the jabbering ego. Gently and slowly breathe deeply. A slight smile helps trigger the body to relax as well.
4.    Don’t give up. This may be the hardest stage, but the results are so worth the effort.  Just return to the breathing, and imagine being immersed in Total Love. Getting angry when we get distracted is counter productive. Don’t judge. One mini-second of connection can cause wondrous changes in our futures. Remember that the whole of creation wants us to succeed. Breathe peace, smile, know that we already are connected. We are just wanting to remember it in our waking state.

It is best not to eat before meditation, but not to be too hungry either. Stretching the body before meditating helps relax the muscles so that they are not so demanding when we seek stillness.  If possible, find a regular time to tune in. I’ve always spent some time first thing in the morning, as I like to bless my day, and reaffirm my connection to Spirit, even though I’m walking in the world. I also do it the last thing before I go to sleep, and one other time in the day, often when I come home form work, as I get recharged for the rest of it.  Find whatever time works best, and enjoy it.

8:51 am hst

Monday, May 11, 2009

Partnering with God

For the next few days I'll be writing about partnering with God. In  "The Shack" by William P. Young, it is suggested by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that we become "less independent" in our own thinking, and allow God to work within us, as Jesus frequently states in the book. This is the basic theme of "A Course in Miracles", and also happens to be the basic first step of spiritual healing as taught to me by kahuna Kopa Kaluahine. It sounds simple, but exactly how does one do it? That will depend on the person. Each of us has patterns of thinking and doing that we've developed over at least this one lifetime that will need to be undone. Initially it may feel that we are giving up something, and we might experience sadness or anger, but as we open to that divine guidance within, we realize that we have only gained, and we feel more joyful and more at peace

To change one's personal patterns of thinking is a daunting task, especially for those of us who pride ourselves in our intellectual skills. We can reason and judge and make great decisions in our 3-D world. And that is helpful when our minds are only aware of this world. But when we discover that there is a spiritual reality, and this world is a collective illusion, what do we do then? The answers aren't out in the 3-D world. They are within, in the place that God lives within us. They must be experienced to be understood, and they may not fit into the 3-D concept of what is "real".  The first step is to set an intention inviting God to guide us in our lives. If it is said with sincerity and energy, heaven and earth will hear, and our lives will begin to change.

6:20 am hst

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Origins

At our Sunday Circle today one of our members shared with us about the origins of Mother's Day. She stated that it was begun as a Mother's protest of the devastation of war that children had experienced. I looked it up, and found    http://www.thenews-messenger.com/article/20090508/NEWS01, which gave the following information, 

 Mother's Day was officially declared by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914, as an official day of National Observance of Mother's Day in the U.S. and declaring that it should always be on the second Sunday in May.

It was Julia Ward Howe, writer of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," who first planted the seed for a day for mothers to come together. It was about 12 years after she wrote that song that she instigated the first Mother's Day Peace Proclamation in 1870.

The peace proclamation was in protest to the devastation that the nation had experienced during the American Civil War. She wanted mothers everywhere to protest the killing of their sons through war and June 2 was designated as the day to celebrate peace and motherhood.

She funded much of the protest gatherings with this intent and in 1873, the day was designated as Mother's Peace Day in 18 north American states.

All of the women in our Sunday Circle went to the Kapaa Triangle at 12:30pm and prayed, and stood for the children and grandchildren who are faced with war,  or violence, or pain and stress of any kind. Even a very violent person started out as a baby. Children often adapt to their surroundings, or act out for attention. We must help our children keep their humanity.

So, Mother's Day was not about a day to honor Mothers initially. It was the Mothers who were honoring children. We must continue to give all children the love and caring and attention that they need, so that they keep their humanity, and treat others with love and caring. It does seem that the military machine is huge and ominous, but every machine has a chink. Perhaps that chink will be that humankind will reach critical mass as a loving human race, and we will break into a new, higher reality where we truly know that we are one. Hope your Mother's Day was terrific. Hope your tomorrow is too!


10:34 pm hst

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Arthur De Fries, Hawaiian kupuna (elder), states that for things to be right with a person, he/she has to have a good relationship with his/her mother. He isn't implying that all mothers need to be considered wonderful. In fact, he knows that some mothers really don't do a great job, but they still carried their children into this earth plane, and deserve appreciation and gratitude for that.

According to Sue Monk Kidd in "The Dance of the Dissident Daughter", The Gospel of Thomas refers to the Holy Spirit as feminine. It is very comforting for me to think of the divine feminine aspect of God at times. After all, mothers at their best are the unconditional lovers, and comforters in our lives.  Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter, and for years The Creator was worshiped as a Goddess. As a woman, it was important to me that there be a holy being that could understand how I would feel, and that I could relate to. God is One, I reasoned. Why not allow the image I talked to be feminine? It works for me, but I don't forget that God in true spirit is formless. It is my need that relates to God as a Goddess occasionally, God stays in divine integrity of Spirit.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the creative women in the world, and especially to those who have lived a life that says, "I will be responsible for my life, and for many years, that of another soul in this world." I am especially grateful this year that my mother is well, and back to her plucky self again. 


10:22 pm hst

Friday, May 8, 2009

Where are the Inner Peace Cheerleaders
Many woman pay a lot of money to give their babies and themselves the most peaceful birthing experience possible. It’s well know that tension during birth increases pain. Tension can also increase the frequency of menstrual cramps, migraine headaches, back problems, stomach problems, heart problems, intestinal problems and so on. Where are the peace cheerleaders, or the Madison Avenue ad campaigns to increase the awareness of the healing aspects of inner peace? People with inner peace are more likely to have less tension, stronger immune systems, and heal more quickly. People with inner peace are likely to be aware of their intuition leading them to right choices. Do your own research. Google it. The psychological and medical worlds and Oprah Winfrey are great believers in it. 

Three years ago when I asked a group of teens whether they wanted to live in a peaceful world, the majority said "No". They equated peace with BORING. However, there was one boy in the class who was a martial arts student who stated that the master martial artists (not the Hollywood version) make an effort to feel peace and balance in the midst of their competitions. We had a lively discussion on what peace actually felt like. Some called it connection, others a sense of feeling that things were all right, maybe like a contentment. When asked if one could feel contentment while surfing or running or making music, they all said “Yes.” When I asked if those things were boring, they all said “No.”

Peace is the feeling that things are all right with ourselves in our world. As our consciousness changes, our world expands, and our sense of self expands. But always, a good standard to use when making a decision is, “Will this bring me more peace?” If we get a solid "yes", we go ahead. If we get a "no", we think of something else, and if we get a "maybe"… we wait. We tune in as best we can to our Best Selves,
and continue to open to divine modifications of our plan. We may have to wait, but it is better to wait than to have to undo something that was decided in haste for some ego-satisfying reason. True peace does surpass understanding. Understanding comes from the mind, and peace is from the spirit.

May we all feel increasingly more peaceful. As we feel it, we influence the world, because in reality, we are One.  Go Peace Go!

1:56 pm hst

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo

May this and all of your days bring you peace and joy. I fly back to Kaua'i in a few hours. Mission completed. My mother is able to eat again, and is seeing her friends. We've tidied up and now I need to pack. My sister has arrived and I'm passing the baton of my mother's care to her. Thank you for your prayers. They worked. She healed quite quickly, and I've seen a wonderful spring! Hello Kaaaaaauuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!

5:59 pm hst

Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting to Win-Win
It’s nearly a mantra now when I find myself in a conflict with another: “Get to a Win-Win”. Even if it isn’t said, I believe that others feel it when we want there to be a mutually satisfying resolution to the situation.  If we’re caring and smiling warmly, our body chemistry changes, and we send out good vibes. They may be rejected or accepted. It doesn’t change what we are choosing to think, feel and express.

Someone called tonight to schedule an appointment for a mediation, and as I was explaining the process I again became so impressed with the process. What pleases me even more is to teach others how to resolve their own conflicts. At the simplest form, in a safe space, and under the umbrella of respect with one person speaking at a time:
1.    Tell your story…
2.    How you feel...
3.    What you need …
4.    Get to Win-Win. Look at what both sides need, and creatively explore options that get each party’s needs met as much as possible.
To prepare it is important that each side is as clear as possible about what happened, what their feelings are, and what they want. It can be surprisingly difficult to get past emotions sometimes, but how can we expect another to help understand our side and needs, if we don’t know them ourselves.

If we find ourselves getting into a heated argument, we can stop, take a breath, and say something like, “I really hope that we can get to a win-win here.” I’ve tried it, and it works. I even got a free box of chocolates from a Honolulu hotel for saying that, and being solution rather than blame oriented when things came to a boil a few years ago. Chocolates or not, you’ll feel better. Try it. You’ll like it, and soon you’ll find you’re thinking win-win nearly all the time.

6:57 pm hst

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Came First, the Depression or the Change in Chemistry?


In the movie, “What the Bleep” the heroine realizes that her negative thinking helps program depression in her body. She takes pills, which are supposed to balance her brain chemistry, but they don’t seem to be effective. They’re not effective because they are not getting to the root, or the cause of the symptoms: She has no self-love. She sees herself as fat and unsuccessful. An animated segment demonstrates that the brain is responsive and efficient. The negative thinking and depression begin to create more brain cells with the receptors for negative thinking and depression. The brain chemistry actually changes. It is a spiral downhill unless something changes.

I studied Dr. William Glasser’s Reality Therapy in graduate school, and learned how important self-esteem is. We need to feel good about ourselves, and believe that at least one person loves us unconditionally to be sane. But I also think we have to consider what the self-esteem is based on. If it is based on a collective ego agreement, then the foundation is precarious. For example, Dannion Brinkley in his book “Saved by the Light” acknowledges that he was a great assassin for the government during wartime. It gave him self-esteem. When he was struck by lightning, and went through his life review, he got to experience how his victims, and all their associates and families felt because of his violence. Now what had been a sense of pride could have become a sense of self-condemnation. But he also experienced that even though he had caused such pain in the world, he felt the most all-encompassing, unconditional love he had ever received by the beings who greeted him on the other side.

Dannion turned his life around and began to let spirit lead. He began to help others, especially those who had a fear of death. He had experienced it as the most beautiful, loving place ever, and helped dying patients transition in peace. The second time that he was clinically dead during a heart surgery, he experienced the love and caring that he gave others. He began to love himself more. As far as I know, this man who died twice, and whose body was pretty damaged, is still causing waves of light to flood into dark places punctuated with sporadic belly laughs as he tells his many stories. Science has proven that laughter changes brain chemistry. It helps one spiral upward! Google him If you like.

6:50 pm hst

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wisdom from "The Shack"

Several people have asked me if I have read "The Shack", by William P. Young. [www.theshackbook.com] When something is presented to me three times, and I haven’t checked it out the first or second, I follow up on it. I‘m reading it now, and beginning to understand why people are asking me if I’ve read it. What I like about it is that it states that God (Papa) is a loving Creator who adores her children, who can’t seem to believe that she loves them. Because they don’t believe God loves them, they don’t really trust her to make decisions for them. Because they make decisions for themselves without knowing the full truth, they make decisions that lead them to pain. They then blame God for the pain, because God knows all, and allows it to happen. So some think that God is cruel. Actually, God gets them out of the trouble, and usually leaves them better off than they were before the mistake, which they wouldn’t have made in the first place if they had allowed God to work through them as Jesus demonstrated with his life. I can agree with that.

Everyone tells me that there is a terrific section about forgiveness, one of my favorite subjects. Just yesterday I asked myself if there was anything that forgiveness couldn’t heal. The forgiveness I speak of comes from a knowing that we are all loved equally and maximally, that we are spirit, and that no one can cause any real harm to us, because pain and suffering can only occur in a state where we perceive ourselves as mentally or physically separated from the one we believe hurt us. Spirit is one. There can be no physical or mental separation in our true spiritual reality, but when our attention is in the 3D world it can feel or appear that pain is real. True forgiveness empowered Jesus to overcome the crucifixion by resurrecting. I look forward to that section in The Shack.

5:59 pm hst

Friday, May 1, 2009

A True and Personal Healing Story

My dear friend Samuella inspired me today with her true and personal story about healing, Since healing was yesterday’s subject, I decided to share it with you today. She had asked me to pray for her about the procedure she describes as the end of her story, and when I emailed her asking how it went, she sent the following:

“Let me tell you that is was a very exciting procedure that went very well. The three nurses and the technician and the doctor could not have been nicer. I actually enjoyed the experience so much that I told them that I was having such a good time that I actually had forgotten why I was there in the first place. Lots of laughing, goofing around and carrying on !!!! I had had , about 6 weeks ago, a "stroke" in my right eye. ( Never heard of it ! ) Went totally blind driving down the road that Saturday. Rushed to the eye surgeon and he told me what had happened.  A blood clot had occluded the retinal artery shutting off the supply of blood to the retinal nerve and without the oxygen feeding the nerve, my sight was gone ! The doc told me that it was irreparable !!!!!!!!!!!! but he also told me that he believed in the power of prayer. Well, let me tell you I have had everyone I know praying for me and my eyesight !! And best of all, it worked ! YEAH !!  All of my vision has returned now....a little bit at a time each day it has gotten better. So I am so blessed. It was so scary !!!

The visit to the hospital was for  a "trans esophageal echocardiogram." (Phew !! Long word !! ) I had to swallow this long tube with a echo cardiogram camera and they searched for more clots that might be "hiding" between the heart and the esophagus. They didn't find anything and they told me that I had a beautiful healthy heart and that they found NO clots !!!!
So there you have it ! I am still "riding high " with the thrill of my vision returning and that damn procedure being over and done with ! 

6:01 pm hst

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