A Cuppa Light

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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can we Really Understand Easter?

Easter is such an awesome holiday. A man who claimed that we are as capable as he was overcame death. Not only that, but he forgave his tormentors totally. Jesus knew that spirit trumps flesh, knowledge trumps thinking, forgiveness trumps error, and love is the glue that holds everything together.


Jesus knew that the egos of the Sanhedrin were totally out of control, and that the masses were ignorant of what they were doing. He made the choice to demonstrate the power of forgiveness, but not the forgiveness that condemns. That forgiveness exists only when it makes another wrong first. “You have erred, and I out of my amazing wonderfulness will forgive you.”


No, Jesus came from the knowledge that each and every human being was created as part of the Sonship of a Beloved Creator Spirit, who created us like Itself. We are in truth, Spirit, which does not cave in to the whims of the ego. The truth stands. Spirit is forever incorruptible, no matter how many mistakes we make. The Will of God is planted within us, and it leads us to Him, but we have the choice as to when that will be. We do not have the power to truly alter ourselves or others in spirit, and everything will eventually fall away.


Easter Sunday existed so that we could have a living example of love, and life everlasting. Our minds can’t really grasp how it worked, but our spirits just smile with recognition.

10:22 pm hst

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