A Cuppa Light

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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
    Add your flavor to the Cuppa via the guestbook below. Share something that inspires you, and write about it in the guestbook. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tell them I Love them, I unconditionally Love them.

The whole point of “A Cuppa Light” is to inspire people to connect for themselves to our Beloved Creator. I believe I’ve done it, and know many who think they also have done it. It’s available to the whole family of God’s children, and we are all Beloved’s children. I’ve gone from a fried crisp little person before a meditation to feeling peace and truly loved afterwards. There is nothing in this world quite like it.  It is our grace that we can open to at any time, but we decide when to turn the switch on.


A scenario I lived through this past week is that I felt overwhelmed, and very tired. Tom Carpenter, a gifted teacher of” A Course in Miracles”, suggested that when we have these negative thoughts that seem to be ours, that we recognize them and say, “These are not my thoughts. I think with the mind of God.” So I went to my favorite meditation place, my bed, and laid flat out (well a pillow under my knees), and said, “I want to think Your thoughts Beloved.” Then I let go, and opened to Beloved with an open mind, but also an open heart. God is but love, and therefore, as God’s children, so are we. I’ve been doing this a long time. I know that God will respond, but if it is new for you, trust that your Beloved Creator loves you unconditionally. No matter what you’ve done, the past is over. You are new in the moment, and that is all the time it takes. Trust me if you can, or Jesus, or Buddha, or Mohammed, or others who have said over and over that God loves us.


We do not need to earn God’s love, as some would have us think. In the past our guilt kept us vulnerable to the church fathers’ manipulations. We were taught that we were unworthy to communicate with God, and had to go through saints or priests of some kind. At one point people paid to be forgiven. This just isn’t true. I I have no memory of Jesus ever saying that we needed to earn God’s love. He just said, “God loves you”, and encouraged us to be ready to receive that love.


When I prayed about what to write today, I was led to write that God loves us unconditionally, and knows that at some time in our human life experience His love for us, and our love for Him will melt through the false beliefs of this world. You will be lifted out of your day-to-day consciousness, and into an other-worldly experience. I imagine it will be different for each of us, as the Holy Spirit knows our thoughts thoroughly and will select the best experience for us.


For me, the whole room took on a golden glow that felt warm. I could see with my eyes closed. There were no beings that I recall, just an energy presence and deep feeling of being loved. I felt that all my mistakes had been forgiven up to that moment. While I felt relaxed, my awareness was heightened, and I felt that I was vibrating to a higher frequency. Oh dear ones, it is hard to use words to describe this. I’ve been using my Thesaurus, and it feels a bit inadequate.  I remember that I had asked my Inner Teacher to show me the truth before this happened, and that I was feeling a lot of love for my inner teacher and God.


Try it. We have been told that when 2 or more are gathered, there will Jesus be in their midst. I have an agreement with Jesus that whoever wants to sincerely experience the love and peace of God, and who needs a second person to join with, I will join with them. So you have a partner if you need one.


Peace be with you. Feel the love. It is there.

12:17 pm hst

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meeting the Da'ath

I think I'm beginning to grasp experientially the da'ath of the Kabalah. My mind recognizes more and more of the ego's false perceptions and its habitual patterns. It knows they're not real. The mind understands intellectually that our True Selves are beyond what our created earth minds can comprehend, so there is a kind of holding out a lasso to the Holy Spirit or whatever name you might refer to it, from the spiritual realm. According to ACIM the instant we separated our consciousnesses from God, He created the Holy Spirit to keep us all connected. 


By our birthright, when we ask with conviction for the Holy Spirit to lead us home. It is a done deal. Then the Fool sets out on a tight rope of light across the abyss, just trusting that the next step will appear. Sometimes we freeze on our journeys as we get involved with some horizontal distractions, but our love connection with Source always coaxes us on. What it feels like for me, is that fewer and fewer things in this 3D world have meaning for me, and many beliefs are sloughing off. Attachments are being released. It is somewhat like dying (to who I used to be to find ME). It would be scary to have this happen if I wasn't so sure that the tight rope would always be there, taking me in consciousness to my True Self. 


In my life, goals and ambitions have become more meaningless. I did make plans for Christmas, but I'm on stand-by, and will go where I truly feel led. It's truly a one-day-at-a-time thing, and that's often unsettling to my ego. Hey! I've been conscientious about thinking the right thoughts for so long to get to where I need to go. What do you mean that these thoughts are meaningless, and there's no place to go???? If I identify with myself as a body, it's scary, (Da'ath=death) but if I identify with myself as Spirit, it's freeing. It has to all be let go of to make the final shift, but we don't do it alone. We do it by seeing spiritual perfection in everyone, and in choosing to express spiritually. Beloved reaches out to us for the last part.


Darn. It's really hard to put this into words. It has to be experienced. It was so clear when it was happening. I always thought that the da'ath experience was going to be a flash of awareness, but I see that in my case it seems to be occurring over time. It's getting easier, by the way, but I still get challenged.


Anyway, when I was meditating I was told to share that with you. That some of you are feeling some of these things, and have gotten a bit depressed. The anti-dote is meditating while in a state of love. Sometimes I haven't felt very loving when I start meditating, so I have to get myself there. Try being next to a person you love, and transfer that to yourself and then to our Beloved Creator. A pet will do. Today I sang to Beloved. First it was a zippy "You gotta help me now" kind of number. Then I had the joyous experience of receiving God's love, and then I sang a song of gratitude. Told a joke too! I think Beloved enjoyed it.


So dear ones. Let’s hold onto each other with a web of light. We’re all waking up, and sometimes we don’t even know that we’ve been having nightmares! I promise I will see you as your true holy self!

3:33 pm hst

Monday, November 8, 2010

“When a man gives way to anger he harms himself.”

“When a man gives way to anger he harms himself.”

M.K. Gandhi


One of my all time heroes is Mahatma Mohandes Gandhi. The Hindus and Moslems had different religions, and persecuted each other. This man influenced them to at least tolerate each other by going on a hunger strike. He was willing to die to show others how much he wanted them to live in peace. He led a resistance movement to overthrow Britain's power over India with non-violent means. He new that when you slap someone else you hurt your own hand.


He didn’t start out that way. It is documented that early on in his marriage he struck his wife. Culturally that was acceptable then, but as an intelligent, sensitive man, in time it probably hurt him to hurt her. As he studied the Upanishads, he learned about ahimsa, the practice of non-violence. He was also influenced by Imam Husayn ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib, Jesus, Leo Tolstoy and Henry David Thoreau.


Gandhi coined the term satyagraha to describe his philosophy of non-violent resistance. He explains, “Its root meaning is holding onto truth, hence truth-force.I have also called it love-force or soul-force. In the application of satyagraha, I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. [ http/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyagraha]


Paul Solomon used to teach that the reason people got angry in the first place was because they felt that they were losing control of a situation. They just weren't getting what they wanted. Instead of using anger to get our way, the magic wand here is changing one's mind, or as the big wigs call it now "cognitive restructuring".  First we have to ask ourselves how badly we want something, and how much we will risk in terms of friendship or reputation to get it. We might ask ourselves if we really are certain that we are right about something enough to create an argument that might cause long-term damage in a relationship. And then if the relationship was damaged, would that indeed harm myself.  I end up with the choices to  1. Continue the battle and take the consequences. 2. Drop out of the battle and walk away, 3. Calm down, and get focused on what I really want, and what the other person really wants, and negotiate a win-win situation as much as possible.


Whatever you do, please remember that escalating anger has a point-of-no return, when the emotion trumps cognition. I used to teach my Teen Court kids, "The madder you are, the dumber you get." At some point our reptilian brain takes over, and we are not in our thinking minds. We become reactive. Get away from someone who is getting to this state. They are not reasonable. They will have to calm down first. Sadly, this is when they might make decisions that do harm themselves. Our best choice is to give them the love that they are so desperately asking for.






6:42 am hst

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Wonderful Hybrid Lord's Prayer

Some months ago I posted the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer from a teacher named Maria Lawrence, who took it from a DVD by Jay Hammer which can be ordered at the www.wordofmastery.com website. I love the prayer. It soothes and inspires more than my traditional Presbyterian, did, or even my Fellowship of the Inner Light revised version did, but I didn’t have it memorized. It wasn’t exactly mine.


Today I wrote mine, as a hybrid between the two, and me too. I find I’m focused a lot on prayer these days, as I have a mother still fighting for her life with stage IV cancer of the tongue, and a classroom of very active special pre-school students who are mostly non-verbal. Yet I still look forward to going to work every day, and I think it’s because even though they are in little out-of-sync bodies, their souls are as brilliant and mature, as the rest of ours are. I affirm to them, and God, that I know Who they are, and I ask for help in helping them remember.


So this is my current working prayer as I need it now:


Beloved Creator Illuminating All,

How Holy You are.


May Your Love, Power and Beauty melt my rigidities and allow me to see again your vision for me.


May Your wisdom guide and nourish me this day.


May Your Light expose my hidden fears which have led to my mistakes. May it shine through me so I can forgive others’ mistakes.


May Your rays of wisdom and power release me from all forgetfulness that give fear power.


I recognize Your perfect, glorious Creation, forever held safely in your Being.


I offer my eyes, mouth, hands and feet to serve You.


Amen, I declare it so.
12:06 am hst

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