A Cuppa Light

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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
    Add your flavor to the Cuppa via the guestbook below. Share something that inspires you, and write about it in the guestbook. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


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Monday, July 30, 2012

Letter From Tom Carpenter on May 16, 2012

Dear Friends,


Here is another example of what the Universe was sending my way. It came from Tom Carpenter, a dear friend and teacher of "A Course in Miracles". When I first got the letter it didn't reach me, as sometime truth isn't let into our ego  minds right away. But in the past week it made the most sense! There is a basic premise that makes this true. We are not bodies. We are thoughts. Who we are is Loving Presence, which doesn't have a body.


Last week he posted an affirmation prayer  on his Facebook Forgiveness Network. It said, "Live my life for me that I may observe Who I am." We live in incredible times when the walls of duality are thinning. As peoples' minds open to the fact that we are spirit, through publicized Near Death Experiences, or Quantum Physics experiments, we'll begin more and more to grasp that we are One. It's just not something our concrete minds can grasp as yet, so we have to trust, and as we do, the miracles happen. 


Here's Tom's letter:


"Hi Honey, (He calls all of us ladies Honey, and we like it.)


Just read your email and wanted to add my two cents to what is likely already a mass of feelings and information.


Perhaps the place to begin is to step back if you can and take a breath or two and let the Presence of our God Self come into focus.  Sit with this for a moment until you begin to feel Her smile and the warmth and confidence of Her love take precedence over any possible turmoil.


I first want to remind you of what healing is.  It is not about fixing something that is broken.  Not about overcoming anything at all.  It is about changing our mind as to what is real and what is not.  Healing is acceptance of the simple truth that you were created from a perfect love with the purpose of extending perfect love.


This is most difficult to accept when we are seemingly in the midst of physical pain, questioning if we are about to "lose" the thing we most easily identify with - our body.  For it is here that it seems we are asked to sacrifice what we still think is true and real for something we are not quite ready to "own."  The sickness itself is the evidence of that.


The key to this apparent conundrum, for me, is to remember that the "plan" for my awakening to the truth is already in place.  It is in a constantly evolving state depending on the choices I make day to day.  But it is not something I have to plan or be responsible for in any way.  My only function is to listen and trust.


The plan for our awakening is not about staying in the world or letting our body go.  It is about choosing to be separate from the Presence of Love or a part of It.  And that choice must begin with the willingness to accept love for ourselves.  What that means for you now is simply to recognize that your "plan" has as its first goal helping you to discover the love that is who you really are.  Remember that what we all want most is to know that we are loved and capable of loving. [key idea]


It is hard to not also relate this awareness to whether or not it will heal the body, making it even more important to rely on the God Self Presence.  But it is equally important to remember that while healing the body is not the goal of healing, neither should we presume it will not be healed.  But to be as free as possible of the ego's guilty misperceptions and need to punish what it thinks of as its "self," it is most helpful if we can see the body as irrelevant to who we are.


I don't presume to tell you anything you do not know.  What I want most is to give you the assurance that I know you are perfectly safe whatever you decide.  I want you to know that I know you are perfectly loved." 

And I want the very same for you.

7:59 am hst

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reinventing Myself from the Inside Out part 3

The Holy Spirit continued to direct inspirational ideas to me from eating organic lemon peels which supposedly have an ingredient in them that destroys cancer, to a phenomenal website of Gregg Braden, which actually shows an ultra sound of a supposedly inoperable bladder cancer being dissolved before our eyes as three practitioners chanted words that created for them the FEELING that the woman was already healed. One of the points of Braden’s talk was that our energy extends kilometers beyond our present location.


The website for that is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufVjdvRw4LM and I suggest that you go there and watch it yourself. This event occurred in a “medicine-less” hospital in China. This has great implications for us as we regard our loved ones with similar illnesses. I’ve found out myself that I much prefer to be with people who believe me when I say that I’ve healed from the cancer, than with those who say that I should get more treatment done.


I’ve spent the last 40 years of my life believing that I am a spiritual being having an experience in an earthly body. The body is here to support that Spirit, and to have fun! There are things here in 3D form that don’t exist in spirit form. As long as this body is serving Spirit, it will continue to exist.

It’s awkward to my philosophy to pursue treatment if I believe that I am healed. It takes faith to be healed. I have to FEEL it, as the video mentioned above showed. Am I living faith if I’m going back for treatment? I’m sure that the patient wouldn’t have found herself there if she hadn’t had a belief that Spirit can trump body. Anita Moorjani (previous post) had an experience that created no doubt that she would be healed, and she was.


However, I do take my car into the shop to get things fixed, and in order to please my family, I had an appointment at Memorial Sloan Kettering on May 29th. There was no visible cancer. I asked about having an ultrasound, and it had been set up, but the doc said that there was no need. After the exam we met with him. He said that to be absolutely sure that they got all the cancer they could cut the whole thing out and give me a colostomy bag. And this after seeing no cancer or taking an ultrasound. He did add that that would probably be overkill. He mentioned that I might be able to use a chemotherapy cream, but it would be painful. He then said that he would take my case before their cancer board, and look at the biopsy slides from the previous excision, and would get back to me.


I left with mixed feelings, but I have to tell you a miracle that occurred there. I was still healing from the initial surgery at that point, and was still experiencing a little pain and difficulty with leakage. While I was waiting on the table already in my delightful paper garb, I prayed to Jesus that He would use the hands of this doctor to bring healing to my body. I had no idea who this doctor was, but followed the trail that I was directed to follow by my own instincts, personal history (my dad had gone there)  and the guidance of others.


When the doctor shook my hand, I was amazed by the Light in his eyes. I felt immediate peace and trust. Even though I didn’t like what he said, and called to tell me later, in that moment all was well. And when I finished my appointment, after the initial sense of invasion was over, I noticed that I felt less pain and the continence problem stopped. I honestly believe that Jesus  used him in that moment for my physical healing.


He called two weeks later after looking at the slides with the positive margins and recommended more surgery. Again I asked if saw anything. “No.” Would a scan be done first? “No, it wouldn’t reveal anything, and yes, there could be permanent continence problems as a result, and it wouldn’t guarantee that they would get it all.”


So you’re asking me to go under a knife while a doctor carves me blindly, which might affect my quality of life significantly and might not really resolve the problem? “Yes. That would be my first suggestion.” I gave him a beat or two to really get the significance of what he was asking me to do. I guess he got it because he offered his second suggestion shortly. “Or you can have the same doctor monitor it regularly, say every 3 months, and watch for changes.” Thank you doctor.


I had spent quite a bit of time telling his resident assistant about the Anita Moorjani experience. She appeared interested. Anyway, the seed was planted. When I finished with this appointment, we decided to leave as soon as we could and stay with some friends enroute to my nephew’s wedding in Vermont. This friend of 33 years, also an Inner Light Consciousness Guide like myself, had had cervical cancer three years previously. They attempted to remove it surgically and also didn’t get it all. She opted to heal it from within too. She looks terrific and is living a very creative life, and brings much Light to this earth. I believe her cancer is gone. We get little cancers all the time, and our immune systems heal them. We are “already healed”, as the practitioners held for the patient in the video above.  It's so much nicer to be in the presence of one who sees me whole.”

10:05 am hst

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