A Cuppa Light

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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
    Add your flavor to the Cuppa via the guestbook below. Share something that inspires you, and write about it in the guestbook. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Never Underestimate the Power of Love


Never underestimate the power of love. It can trump every worry and every negative emotion we have. It can effortlessly bring us great strength when we need it. I'm sure everyone has some "miracle" stories, but here are a couple of mine, which I hope will inspire you.

When my infant son had nudged his head between the iron bars of my grandmother’s bed and the wall, I pulled the bed back with my left arm, and cradled his head, and pushed it back through the bars with my right hand. I had had a moment of alarm when I first saw him a bit wedged, but thought nothing about the maneuver. However, in a couple of days when I was vacuuming, it took both arms and several grunts to move the bed! Somehow my love and focus had energized me to be able to move the bed effortlessly.

Another of my miracle stories that is probably shared by millions of parents goes like this:  We are awakened for the 3rd time at night by our newborn babies. We crawl out of bed, tired to the bone, knowing that we have to get up in 2 hours for our morning routine. Then we see our babies' faces, and suddenly we are recharged! We have all the energy we need to take care of them, and then some. It’s our love for our babies that empowers us so. Each day that love, and much more is available for us to harness. We are great "love" resources for our world, and to be loved is the universal need of mankind.

9:05 pm hst

Friday, February 27, 2009

Do You Want to be Happy or do you want to be Right?


Dr. Jerry Jampolsky, Ph. D. suggests that when we're in an argument  we ask the question, “Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?” I've seen good friendships and marriages split over a vicious argument. If you win an argument but lose a friend, what gain is there? Jon Larson taught me a great lesson in 1976. I presented my side of an argument. He smiled, and nodded in agreement. Then he said, “And one could also see it this way…” and presented the opposite side. He was articulate, kind and respectful. I didn’t feel threatened in any way that he didn’t agree with my side.

   What is this pressure to be right? I grew up thinking that it was important to win arguments, and that being right was good, and being wrong was bad. Then in 1980 I met P.M.H. and Terry Atwater. She was in her late 40’s; he was in his early 30’s. She was white; he was black. She was a Taurus; he was a Scorpio. He liked a more public life; she liked it at home. They chose this so that each could see the opposite side of things, so that both would be wiser by sharing their views. There was no “right or wrong”, it was “how I see it, and how you see it”.  You’re not wrong if you see things differently. Our lifetime experiences cause us to have certain perceptions. It’s the same with the other guy. A phrase we can use when arguments seem stuck is, "Can we agree to disagree on this?"  That ends the argument in agreement, even if the perceptions remain at odds. So, next time you're in an argument, ask yourself if you want to be happy or you want to be right? And lucky are you who gets both!

7:56 am hst

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Listening Acronym


I hope that you have had good listening modeled for you. You deserve it. It helps people have good self-esteem to feel that they are heard. When people listen to you, it demonstrates that you matter to them, and that feels good.   

This acronym may help you remember to listen better when either you are stressed or distracted:

L- Love:  Think, “I love you.” To the person. You’ll soften, and  most likely they will too.
I – Interested:  Project or even state that you are interested in what they have to say. It will energize them.
S – Sincere:  Be  sincere.  Be your authentic self. It will help them be their authentic selves.
T- Time: Give them permission to take their time. Don’t finish sentences for them, or get distracted.
E- Empowerment:  Believe in them and their ability to handle the situation involved. Sometimes just knowing there is a loving person in our lives gives us enough strength to face difficult times.
N- Non-judgmental: You don't need to judge or comment on what was said.  We’re not capable of judging any-way. If you really feel it is necessary to say something, ask first. "Would you like my thoughts about this?" or "You've just inspired me to say something, are you interested?" Be respectful. It is an honor to receive someone’s story.

7:01 am hst

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Second Catch up Post: We are So much More than we See
I love it when people get passionate about Spirit in their lives!
I love it when people believe that they are loved by their Creator. It makes them more loving too.  It saddens me when I hear people say that they are lowly worms, or some such thing, and that because Adam sinned are meant to go to hell. It makes me sad to think that people consider themselves “untouchable”.

Jesus taught differently. He stated that while we had human bodies, we were also divine.  Although it appears convoluted here Jesus stated that we are gods. John 10:34-36 states: Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?   If he called them gods to whom the word of God came (and scripture cannot be broken), do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?

That’s true for all of us in this world, whether we believe it or not. It doesn’t appear much like we are gods, because the divine part of us is invisible and waits to be called forward. That spark of Spirit is invisible, and waits lovingly for us to want to connect and act from its directives. Our egos and bodies are so vocal in their wants and demands, that as infants we soon forget about our Spirit selves. It may take years or even lifetimes to remember to ask the holy part of us to lead. Often it happens when we’ve followed our egos into some terrible tragedy, and don’t know how to get out of it.

It doesn’t matter what precipitates the request. When we make it, heaven rejoices, and we are lead to truth as quickly as we are able to assimilate it, and willing to follow it. Within us is this divine spark always, which is why every major religion teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Eventually we will discover that we are One.

8:02 pm hst

7:57 pm hst

Catching Up

My sincerest apologies to those of who faithfully returned to read the blogs, only to have them missing. The web host says they have fixed the remedy, and I've got a new password and all should be well. So now I play catch up. I'll start with combining yesterday's and today's and copy and paste a post that got lost in Cyberspace in a second post for today. Yesterday was Mardi Gras, and today is Ash Wednesday. We can cut to the chase about why they are celebrated, and how the principles can be understood to truly help us get to our goal of achieving oneness.

To understand Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday" (its literal translation from the French) we have to appreciate what Ash Wednesday signifies. Briefly, Ash Wednesday signifies the beginning of the 40 days of lent that preceed Easter. Good Catholics go to a service of penitence, and a priest gives them a mark of ash on the forehead between the eyebrows,to signify that they have gone to that service. For the next 40 days they are expected to sacrifice something that is very important to them. One of my friends gave up alcohol, another sugar, another smoking, another swearing, etc. By sacrificing, they are demonstrating their appreciation and love of Jesus' sacrifice of his body for us, but also Catholics believe that sacrificing will help them earn them the kingdom of heaven, or even gain something in this lifetime.

Because of the more serious 40 days of giving up the "goods", Mardi Gras came to be a celebration where one was able to consume and do all the things one might be giving up for lent. If I was giving up chocolate, I might have a chocolate decadence cake. Fat Tuesday was a big party celebrated mostly in Catholic countries. However, many others decided that they would join the party just for the party aspect of it.

Now we have to ask ourselves, is this necessary? Is this what God or Jesus want? Will depriving myself of a luxury honestly get me closer to the kingdom of heaven?  Maybe, if it's done with the understanding that what will bring us closer to heaven is dropping the addiction of the ego's manipulations. If my ego has led me to a life where alcohol is what I think about day and night, then I need to drop the alcohol. If we live for gossip and read gossip columns and can't wait to hear the next dirt, then gossip becomes a distraction from remembering that those we gossip about are the holy children of God in their true Selves.

What would be more helpful is if we focus on the sacredness of what Jesus demonstrated during his lifetime. He could do miracles because he remembered for others their holiness when they forgot it. In that instant that they remembered, and joined with Jesus' vision for them, they could be healed.

As we remember the holiness of others, we remember it for ourselves, and we become closer to the kingdom of heaven. One's whole world changes by remembering the sanctity of the children of God. It may feel like a huge sacrifice to give up the addictions of our ego, but the relatively short withdrawal period leads to a much happier, meaningful life. Blessed lent to you all.


7:46 am hst

Monday, February 23, 2009

We are So much More than We can See
I love it when people get passionate about Spirit in their lives!
I love it when people believe that they are loved by their Creator. It makes them more loving too.  It saddens me when I hear people say that they are lowly worms, or some such thing, and that because Adam sinned we’re all going to hell. It makes me sad to think that people consider themselves “untouchable”.

Jesus taught differently. He stated that while we had human bodies, we were also divine.  Although it appears convoluted here Jesus stated that we are gods. John 10:34-36 states: Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?   If he called them gods to whom the word of God came (and scripture cannot be broken), do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?

That’s true for all of us in this world, whether we believe it or not. It doesn’t appear much like we are gods, because the divine part of us waits to be called forward. That spark of Spirit is invisible, and waits lovingly for us to want to connect and act from its directives. Our egos and bodies are so vocal in their wants and demands, that as infants we soon forget about our Spirit selves. It may take years or even lifetimes to remember to ask that holy part of us to lead. Often it happens when we’ve followed our egos into some terrible tragedy, and don’t know how to get out of it.

It doesn’t matter what precipitates the request. When we make it, heaven rejoices, and we are lead to truth as quickly as we are able to assimilate it, and willing to follow it. Within us is this divine spark always, which is why every major religion teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Eventually we will discover that we are One.

11:22 pm hst

11:20 pm hst

We are so much More than We can See
I love it when people get passionate about Spirit in their lives!
I love it when people believe that they are loved by their Creator. It makes them more loving too.  It saddens me when I hear people say that they are lowly worms, or some such thing, and that because Adam sinned we’re all going to hell. It makes me sad to think that people consider themselves “untouchable”.

Jesus taught differently. He stated that while we had human bodies, we were also divine.  Although it appears convoluted here Jesus stated that we are gods. John 10:34-36 states: Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?   If he called them gods to whom the word of God came (and scripture cannot be broken), do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?

That’s true for all of us in this world, whether we believe it or not. It doesn’t appear much like we are gods, because the divine part of us waits to be called forward. That spark of Spirit is invisible, and waits lovingly for us to want to connect and act from its directives. Our egos and bodies are so vocal in their wants and demands, that as infants we soon forget about our Spirit selves. It may take years or even lifetimes to remember to ask that holy part of us to lead. Often it happens when we’ve followed our egos into some terrible tragedy, and don’t know how to get out of it.

It doesn’t matter what precipitates the request. When we make it, heaven rejoices, and we are lead to truth as quickly as we are able to assimilate it, and willing to follow it. Within us is this divine spark always, which is why every major religion teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Eventually we will discover that we are One.

11:18 pm hst

Saturday, February 21, 2009

You are What's True. Forget the Rest
It happened again, and it still breaks my heart when I see it. Two male ninth graders got into a name calling match.  A called B "gay", and  B threw a pen at him. I reprimanded them both, then asked B to stay after for what I hoped would be a positive chat. I asked him this question, "If A had called you a pigeon, would you have been so upset?" "No, but he called me GAY!" I wanted to go into my pep talk about how many gay people I like, and how you love on the outside pales compared to how you love on the inside, but this wasn't the time.

"So you know it's not true that you're a pigeon and it doesn't bother you. So it's not true that you're gay, and it does bother you. You've given an untruth power over you, and you feel terrible about it." He looked down. "Did throwing that pen get you what you wanted?" He shook his head.  "I believe that what you want would be for A not to call you 'gay', and you deserve that. One of our most basic social needs is to be respected. It's my job to keep you safe, but also I have to keep A safe too. You could have hurt him.

"Did you try telling him that you need for him not to call you names?" At this point his eyes began tearing up. "That didn't work very well."

"Well try again. Be clear and firm, and this time you might mention that this is a form of sexual harassment. Next time I see him, I'll mention it too, and well see if we can change this." I wanted to tell him that no matter what anyone ever said to him, he was a beautiful holy child of God, and that could never change.  That alone was true, and he could forget the rest. Professionally I can't do that, but I can think it, and I did. My thoughts are powerful and love driven. I know there will be some change, and I look forward to how it plays out in 3-D.

8:07 am hst

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You ARE What's True, Forget the Rest

It happened again, and it still breaks my heart when I see it. Two male ninth graders got into a name calling match.  A called B "gay", and  B threw a pen at him. I reprimanded them both, then asked B to stay after for what I hoped would be a positive chat. I asked him this question, "If A had called you a pigeon, would you have been so upset?" "No, but he called me GAY!" I wanted to go into my pep talk about how many gay people I like, and how you love on the outside pales compared to how you love on the inside, but this wasn't the time.

"So you know it's not true that you're a pigeon and it doesn't bother you. So it's not true that you're gay, and it does bother you. You've given an untruth power over you, and you feel terrible about it." He looked down. "Did throwing that pen get you what you wanted?" He shook his head.  "I believe that what you want would be for A not to call you 'gay', and you deserve that. One of our most basic social needs is to be respected. It's my job to keep you safe, but also I have to keep A safe too. You could have hurt him.

"Did you try telling him that you need for him not to call you names?" At this point his eyes began tearing up. "That didn't work very well."

"Well try again. Be clear and firm, and this time you might mention that this is a form of sexual harassment. Next time I see him, I'll mention it too, and well see if we can change this." I wanted to tell him that no matter what anyone ever said to him, he was a beautiful holy child of God, and that could never change.  That alone was true, and he could forget the rest. Professionally I can't do that, but I can think it, and I did. My thoughts are powerful and love driven. I know there will be some change, and I look forward to how it plays out in 3-D.




6:47 am hst

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Web Host is Experiencing Technical Difficulty

My apologies for not being able to write a blog this morning.The program would not respond. I wrote a blog the 17th, but it didn't register on the website. Sometimes they don't make it, and so I resend and then they both get there. I just have to trust that things are happening as they should. My own life has been so busy that I haven't had time to get into a long phone conversation with the server.

I'm part of the Interfaith Roundtable of Kaua'i, which gathers diverse faiths together for a monthly meeting. We invited all the faith community leaders to our initial meeting. The IRK exists as a forum to share information, and concerns, to promote respect and understanding for the benefit of our own faith communities, ourselves, and our shared community of Kaua'i. Each quarter we feed the clients at the emergency housing facility, and tomorrow is the day. I'm making a big pan of chili, and trying to fit that in with working full time. But I know it will all be great, because a lot of love is given and received each time. That is the real nourishment! 

11:36 pm hst

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love Directed Synchronicity.... or A Miracle
This true story comes from my friend Jean Reeder from Virginia Beach, VA. It is about another pair of friends, whose name I am not sharing because I haven't asked for permission as he is still in the hospital. I share it because I often speak about how God answers prayers with synchronistic events. I felt God's hand in this story, so am passing it on to you.

"_________ had a heart attack late last week. He's recovering nicely from triple-bypass surgery at VBGH, but here's some of the story that his wife related to a few of us last night:

It was truly miraculous that where he fell to the ground while out for a walk, the guy who discovered him in time to save his life, had EMT training and used CPR. And the policeman, who JUST HAPPENED BY on casual patrol of the neighborhood, had one of the new portable heart thumpers, and then drove _____ to the hospital himself! The surgeon who operated was a former student of _____'s at Norfolk Academy and scored THE HIGHEST on his medical boards of ANYONE IN THE WORLD. And that's not all either... _____ now believes in angels for sure!"

Some might say, well if God was in this, why did he have the heart attack in the first place. My thought, as I understand it today, is that we are given free will, which can lead to certain effects in the world. Then we have a very difficult situation come up to teach us something. God offers the solution. I have 6 friends who have had heart attacks and because of them radically changed their lives, and are virtually symptom free. They demonstrate for the rest of us what didn't work, and what does. I have much gratitude to them  for living that for us, so that we don't have to!

6:37 am hst

6:27 am hst

6:24 am hst

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Gift of Our Voices

Many times a day we have a chance to gift others  with our voices. Whether it is in speaking words of support and love, welcoming a stranger, expressing our own laughter or merriment, teaching in a supportive way, or at the highest level singing a beautiful soul-reaching song, our voices can bestow priceless gifts of joy, and well-being to our human family.

Last night I had the opportunity to hear a man of extraordinary voice and being at a concert. His name is Walt Keale and he is a cousin of the famous "Bruddah Iz". I was at a concert of Hawaiian Musicians and dancers. Walt had performed his beautiful songs, and Napua Grieg was in the middle of her set when she spoke of how much a beautiful voice and music inspire others, and specifically dancers. She should know. She is a kumu  hula, an instructor of Hawaiiana, protocol, chanting, singing and hula.  She invited Walt to join her band, as she then danced. We were all inspired, and in that moment the vibrations of the music, dance and mood led us to  unity.

I've often thought about how the Islamic practice of public prayer 5 times a day unifies the people. It is exciting to me to imagine doing the same inspired activity as an entire nation! The closest thing we have to that is bringing in the New Year, and it is not always so inspired. In Hawaii, it is a great gift to write a song for another. We might be the only state in the nation that would publish a poem in "letters to the editor" but Hawaiians knew the gift of our voices, and that has continued to this day. And isn't it wonderful, this great gift is nearly always available!

8:55 am hst

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Making it Happen

Yesterday and today I will attend a Peace Gathering in the home of friend who decided that she wanted to honor and bring  together several different folks of several different peace groups on Kaua'i. We each had a chance to write down what we thought peace was, which included everything from "Peace is when we are all fed." to "Peace is feeling our connection with God and all Life." We had Birthday Cake celebrating the 35th birthday of the Children's Defense Fund, and the 65th Birthday of the "Friends Committee for National Legislation". There were speakers from the Non-violent communication group; Malama Pono, a Kauai group which wants the best for the island collective, including land and energy resources; the Interfaith Roundtable of Kaua'i, and much more. Presentations were given to Laura Taylor, who founded the Aloha Peace Project, a wonderful hands on fun with puppets and gadgets, and plays and videos to teach children how to respect each other and resolve differences peacefully.

Another recipient was Jennie Yukimura, who facilitated a peace breakfast for people who promoted peace on the islands, and families of soldiers who were in Iraq. Both sides shared their stories and cared for each other.

In today's paper was a story of a Carol Curran, a woman who lived alone, and was lonely, so invited 3 neighborhood girls into her home to learn arts and crafts. The group has grown to 8 children and there was a picture of them with  the many valentines that they made and took to a local nursing home. How wonderful is that?

Each of these ladies acted from their hearts and created a little kindness in the world. We may think that we need to do things in a big way, but as Edgar Cayce was fond of saying, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." Who can determine how far an act of kindness or a collaboration of peace may go? If you feel inspired to plant your goodness, skill or talent into the world, I believe you can find a way to make it happen.


10:20 am hst

10:18 am hst

Saturday, February 14, 2009

We See What we Want to See

We want to believe that our senses are reliable, and that our brains perceive data reliably, but that is not always the case. We might all learn a little humbleness from this: What we expect to see influences how we see. Science has born this out in psychological studies I remember since 1972. One experiment had figures that they showed people. One of the symbols was:   o-o   They told half of the group before viewing that a dumbell would be in the sample, and another group that a pair of eyeglasses would be in the group, and sure enough, that was what the respective group of subjects reported that they saw.

Now here is a true story that blew my mind. I lived in Virginia for different periods in the 70's 80's and 90's. The race issue was still very much alive in some places. I met a woman who believed that the white race was superior to any other, and would tell you so. Interestingly, her niece lived with a brilliant, loving, medium-toned black man, and had done so for over twenty years. They had a great relationship, and  the aunt respected him and loved him dearly.

The other day this woman and her son were having a conversation and the race issue came up again. The son asked her, "Well how do you feel about [the niece's boyfriend]?

"Oh I love him!" she replied.

"Well he's black." her son countered.

"No he's not." she chided.

"______ is black Mom."

"But his brother is a doctor." she reminded him. And so it went. He wasn't black in her eyes. It made me wonder what I really see. This goes way  beyond dumbells and glasses. In A Course in Miracles it is suggested that we ask the Holy Spirit, which exists in all of us, to help us see truly. There is a lot of programming to undo, but I love the idea of seeing you as God would see you, perfect, loving, whole, even in the midst of our chaotic earthly roller coaster ride, where people attack each other in the name of peace.

And Happy Valentine's Day! May love fill your heart to overflowing!






8:46 am hst

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th, and some people are a bit intimidated about that. Thirteen is an unlucky number for them. Why is that? I believe the original superstition occurred because at the Last Supper there were 12 disciples, plus Jesus, making 13, and one (Jesus) died. On my mother's side of the family we never sat 13 at a table. One Thanksgiving when I came to the table late after stewardessing a trip to Bermuda, my grandfather immediately got up when I sat down.

On my father's side of the family 13 was a lucky number. My dad was born on December 13th. Their lovely home was on 13 Davenport St. I decided to adopt that belief, and now, since we are creators whether we accept it or not, I choose that this be a lucky day for me. In my heart, I choose that it be a lucky day for you. Unfortunately, no one can interfere with another's will. That's beyond our privilege on earth.  You'll just have to accept the luck for yourself. Open to it, and have a great day.

7:36 am hst

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Reason we Don't see Ourselves as One

We don't see ourselves as one entity because we are One at the Spiritual level, where there is no form, and it takes a willingness to give up the ego to go there. Most of us like the little worlds we create where we can be at the center. We want to try to be special and the best at something, or the worst at it, if we can't be the best. We want to be noticed, appreciated, liked or feared for what we do. That all has to occur in the world of form.

In the Spiritual world we have no bodies and there is no separation. We are love. We don't need appreciation from anyone because we are everyone. We don't need to be the best because we are all the best. We are all God made, and perfect. Do you hear me? At the only level that counts and is eternal, you are perfect, and we are One. But it seems to be human nature that we try something, and that works for awhile, then we try something else, and it works for awhile, but we never have a deep feeling of peace. Finally we get to a weary state where we cry out, "OK God, what am I supposed to do? You lead the way, and make it clear enough for me to follow, because you already know my limitations. I'll sincerely try my best to try your way, and we'll see what happens." Then the miracles occur. People might quit their jobs and begin to take time to truly look at their worlds, finding the place they were meant to fill. And that brings a peace that surpasses all understanding, because it is not of this world. It is from connection to the One.

2:55 pm hst

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Giving and Receiving a Gift a Day

When my father died in 1979, a widowed Quaker friend of my mother's, Mrs. Dott, told me about how when she went through a rough patch in her life, she would expect to be aware of a little gift that would come to her every day. They came in all ways. She could receive the gift at the physical level, such as she might be taken to lunch, or someone might mow the lawn for her. She could receive it at the mental level by reaching a new level of understanding about something dear to her while reading a book. Or someone might engage her in an interesting conversation and stimulate her mind.

She might experience emotional healing by having a friend spend some quality time with her, or by deepening or changing her thinking about the issue. Spiritually, she would feel accepted, loved, cherished by her Creator, and others at their truest level, or experience something that would help lift her to that awareness. It was a great lesson for me, and sure enough, it worked.  I have received at least one good gift a day. God is good. I've also had the pleasure of deciding to give a gift a day to some being or beings on this planet, and I find I have just as much pleasure doing that. Today I opened a book that my friend Lori Ullman gave me. In the book was a bookmark with a prayer from St. Theresa of Avila. She is the mystical St Theresa, not the one of the good deeds that keeps going around the internet. St. Theresa is special to me. She had visions and mystical experiences of God, and yet was practical in using these gifts.I accepted this as my gift today.

I share it as my gift to you: "Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world."

7:04 am hst

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Save the Ta-Tas

More and more I become aware of how "packaging" and presentation affect us. The other day I was driving behind a beat-up rusted out truck with a surf board on the hood. Juxtaposed was the delicate pink ribbon that represents breast cancer awareness. It intrigued me,so I peered at the words underneath. "Save the Ta-Tas".  It was a new way to say, "Please support breast cancer research." It was designed to get our local men to think about what they could be missing if a cure isn't found.

I thought about how I could use this  in my life, helping share ideas in ways that others can really wrap their beings around. I invite you to do the same, and I think that humor and zest for life is a big key. I also saw a bumper sticker that showed a whale saying, "Save the Humans". I'm sure the angels of this world are hoping that we will quickly change our ways to support healthy life for all beings on our planet rather that a high life for a small minority. Peace and health to you all.

11:34 am hst

Monday, February 9, 2009


We mustn't let the "3-D Worldly Longing to Belong" experience ever get us down. It is not our need as a holy child of God to belong to anything or anybody. That part of us is already joined to everyone else, and our beloved Creator, whether we have consciousness of it or not. We are each other. It is only an "ego" game that we choose to play or not that is concerned with belonging . At the ego and physical body level, of course that is different.

On our "Trip Earth" experience where the ego seems to be in charge,  it fools us into thinking that we aren't good enough unless we do certain things, or belong to a certain group. That group can be well defined, such as a church, race, or National Party, or less defined as in the "cool kids" at school, or "those who wear certain clothes". The question that you might want to keep in mind is, "If you were to die tonight, and God and the soul of every other human being was aware of what you did, would you be glad that you were in that group?" Because that is exactly who is aware of what you're doing at all times. There is no separation.

I applaud people who are in the group of "I'm going to pick up this trash that someone left on the beach because I love all the other members of this human race and the planet Earth that I'm on." or the group of "I'm going to see how many people I can uplift with a smile or kind word today because I know that as they are happier my whole human group will feel better." And even if we don't belong to any club, we belong to each other. As a race, we're becoming more and more aware of that. We really are. Belonging or not belonging is one's personal mental choice, not a reality.

6:44 am hst

Friday, February 6, 2009

Peace Begins Within

No matter how safe things seem to be on the outside, if we don't have peace within, then we won't have peace in our lives. Some might think it's really unfortunate that we have to be responsible for our own peace, but that's a fact.

Peace is freedom from conflict. It brings a true state of relaxation. Where can that come from? Where does conflict begin? It begins with a thought that might say, "I don't have enough." or "I'm not good enough." It's amazing the chaos that just those two thoughts can create first in our minds, and then in our outer world as we strive to have enough or excel in some new and glorious way.

Who judges us in this quantitative way of lack or sufficiency? Our ego selves. What it chooses to see it will see, no matter what anyone else may say. Once I gave a co-teacher 7 compliments, and one suggestion. He heard only the one suggestion and told me how critical I was. The ego is the part of us that sees us as separate from all else. It is always analyzing everything in terms of "me-them". We are much more than that, but most of us never discover our True Divine peaceful selves because we are so busy listening to the ego. No sooner do we solve one issue when another pops up. The ego does this so that it can survive, because once you peek past its crises and demands, and realize that you are so much more, the ego is in jeopardy. Who would want chaos when peace is always available?

God created and sees our true selves when observing us. Our True Selves are always enough, and have nothing to do with this 3-D world at all. By identifying more and more with our True Divine selves, we will experience more true peace by connecting with the Spirit of all Life. 

6:33 am hst

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Loving the Rose's Journey

On Tuesday my husband Joshua brought me a bouquet of 6 beautiful red roses. The buds were still tightly curled up together, yet elegant in their budded stage. Yesterday  the buds opened a little more, and were even  lovelier. But this morning, they were what I think of as "picture perfect" roses. The petals had unfurled into a nearly complete fullness that pleased the eye, and seduced the nose. I loved the whole journey of the rose. In fact, in the past I've loved the journey of it from the seemingly tough old woody stick that sends up a shoot, to the fertile rose hip stage at journey's end. I see the rose's journey as a metaphor for our spiritual development.

In this sacred time many are on a "Spiritual Journey" to enlightenment. They want to be the rose fully opened, feeling the bliss of union with Beloved Creator NOW! But just as one can't pry the petals open from the rosebud without destroying the flower, one can't force one's spiritual awakening without risking some damage either physically or emotionally to the self.  Ultimately we must trust our Sacred Selves to determine the right time to fully open to our perfect spiritual awakening. And our life's journeys, our commitment and dedication are a thing of beauty to be beheld by the other roses in the garden.

12:39 pm hst

12:37 pm hst

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Two Wolves Inside Us

Yesterday I received an email from an evolved Asheville friend who stated that it was the best description of life she had discovered. Since we all learn through different ways, I decided to give it to you in its entirety. 


 One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ' My son, the battle is between two ' wolves ' inside us all. One is Evil. -  It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. -  It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.. '

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ' Which wolf wins? '

The old Cherokee simply replied, ' The one you feed. '

6:56 am hst

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Be Kind Be Kind Be Kind

I'm a substitute teacher, and every day students are saddened by put downs from other students. They don't have the social skills yet to know that only unhappy people put down other people. They think that someone doesn't like them, and so they wonder if something is wrong with them. My first response is, "Well are you _[what the child accused them of] __?" I have to make sure that they aren't buying into the meanness. Most of the time the kids say "NO!", but sometimes there is a doubt.This I'll undo with my observations of the child being wonderfully appropriate, and then they get the power words, "You can't judge me." I'll tell the kids that other people just don't know enough to judge others. It just isn't possible for us to judge each other by the fraction of a lifetime that we share with each other.

If the child seems able to comprehend, I'll tell them that it has been my observation that happy people are pretty busy being happy, and that it is usually the unhappy ones that hurt others.I might even tell them the story of how I worked as a waitress for a man who loudly criticized his staff. I knew the secret about only hurting people hurting others, and one day I began to give him a backrub. Sure enough. His back was like a rock. He began to settle in and relax. He even cracked some jokes. I would do it maybe every other day that I went to work.

He ended up being kind to me, even the day I accidentally shook the ketchup bottle without the top securely on. Ketchup splattered all over another waiter and the bread and butter dishes. I cleaned up the mess, apologized profusely, and eventually the waiter and I got married! We're still together after nearly 26 years. So kindness really goes a long way.

7:04 am hst

Monday, February 2, 2009

Holding Healings in our Hearts

About ten years ago two very dear friends parted ways. This was not a casual relationship. One of the women was the godmother to the other's three sons. They were both students of the godmother's husband, and had studied  and worked together on various projects that brought much Light and joy into the world. They helped each other out when times got tough.

Their parting was a total shock to scores of people, and caused a rift in an organization which repeatedly stated that thinking that we were separate from others was about the most serious mistake we could make. Several of us did what we could to help make peace between the two, but as I heard it, one stonewalled the other, and therefore conversations always needed a mediator. Over time one of them just gave up, and a beautiful project that she had worked years on that was begun by them together was never made available to the world. At the time I kept affirming, "I know that they will find peace together again, because I hold them together in my heart. I love them both so much." And yes, I know that time is on my side, because there can be no real separation. And yes, Light has gotten out into the world through other sources. But because we each see truth from our own perspectives, the Holy Spirit uses many teachers and many media to touch them all. As far as I know they have drifted apart, and never formally reconciled. But they have all the time they need.

The true purpose of time is to recognize our Oneness, and we have all the time we need. If our friends seemingly get angry and split from each other, we can feel them finding peace together again in our hearts. It feels so wonderful, and it will happen. It might not happen at the same time. One may experience it before the other, but they will remember their joy and Oneness, and the whole Universe will feel it in its heart.

5:09 pm hst

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

For those of you who noticed yesterday's cryptic blog, here is the explanation: I had written my blog entitled "A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine". It's a quotation from Proverbs, and explained how I had been exhausted Friday night, when I received an email with the YouTube web address that made it yesterday. I watched it and laughed so hard that it completely re-energized me. When I went to copy and paste the website, I lost the whole blog, but the address remained! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.

Today is a wonderful metaphor of the juxtaposition of our lives. Many will be in their holy places connecting to our Beloved Creator, and sincerely caring about being good stewards of our worldly home. Others will come together in great masses to watch The Superbowl, a violent game of elimination and separation from the whole, which statistically leads to more domestic violence calls than any other day of the year. Others are oblivious to both, others will do both, and some are feeling inside that they don't know where they fit in anymore. The old patterns don't fit with the new person inside, yet the new pattern hasn't taken its form in the world. For do-aholics, it can feel as if life is becoming a bit meaningless. Been there.

Take heart dear ones. Use this time to connect to your Inner Being, which knows the path you are next meant to follow. Even if you don't think that Your Holy Self is leading you in the right direction, continue to pray that it do so. When you are nearing the end of this phase, you'll see the Divine pattern in it. So, if you have fewer demands, rest more. Take care of your body. Catch up on reading the books you've wanted to. Stay in touch with loved ones. Grow your own food, at the least sprouts, if you can.Try that new hobby. All the while keep an awareness of what causes your Spirit to soar, who brings Light to your life, and what dreams make you sit up in bed.  Most importantly, forgive any old grievances. They are huge energy sucks and deterrants from your true path. 

I met with several other women the other night, all successful people, and all going through this change. We all feel it is a benevolent change, and we were happy to have each other to meditate with, and bounce ideas off of. You might want to form a little group of your own.



10:11 am hst

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