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     Sit right down with me for a good Cuppa Light! A Cuppa Light is Java for your whole being! Most of us begin our day with some morning rituals including grabbing a cuppa something to get our physical bodies going. I wanted inspiration for my spirit and mind as well. I found that if I sincerely needed uplifting moments, they would come.
     They came in dreams, something I’d observe, emails people sent, or things they would say. I’d read a book, and there was a quotation or passage that lifted or helped me know the right thing to do. I learned how to recognize, and work with the different parts of myself, and how to help others do it as well. I created this website as an inspirational place, A Cuppa Light for your whole being. If you're in a hurry just read the blog below or click on "A Little Cuppa". Maybe one will be just right for you!  Invite your friends to come recharge with a good cuppa light.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

About Those Arguments...

I’ve just been back to NY with my siblings to help settle our mother’s estate. She had a lot of “stuff”, and she wanted it to be divided evenly somehow, although she didn’t specify who would get what. So we had auctions for the valuable things. The amount you bid was subtracted from your share of the total assets. We did very well in keeping the peace, partly because we have two cousins who didn’t fare as well. This morning, as the matriarch of the clan and someone who loves them dearly, I wrote them a letter. I thought you might be interested. Names are changed of course.


Dear Michael and Gabriel,


I woke up this morning with the two of you in my mind, or maybe heart. I was thinking of how I hope you'll like the boxes of "stuff" that I found and selected for you, with help from my siblings, although initially Raphael (my brother) was in throw out mode, because there was just so very much stuff.  I just started the boxes, and assured him that they would get out of the house.


Now why did we cousins take the extra time and energy to think of you, and put things aside? Because we love you and we're family.


We also talked about another over riding presence that you two represented for us, and that was "We don't know what happened between Michael and Raphael after Uncle Uriel died, but we'll never let that happen to us. None of us 'need' what Mom has left us, so we can't let it cause harm in our relationships." When differences of opinion arose, we took the time to talk them out and settle them. So in a way your rift has guided us in what not to do. There was also some negativity between Mom and her brother Uriel, and my dad and his brother. They all overcame them though. The love just won out. I'm hoping that will be the case with you two. 


We are the leaders of the Celestial family now, and Wayne and I the head of the Heavenly family. How we treat each other will be passed down by imitation or avoidance, depending upon how well we lead. Do we model love and caring, or disrespect and indifference? What legacy do we leave the children when they are planning family reunions down the Celestial family line?


I love you each individually forever, no matter how you choose to relate to each other and will keep you included in the emails and info lines, but OH IN MY HEART I WOULD LOVE IT IF MY PICTURE OF YOU WAS LOVING BROTHERS, WHO WERE A SOLID FAMILY LINE.


I actually believe that John Lennon was serious when he said "Love is all there is." Love is of spirit, and has no needs except maybe to extend itself.

But we don't live in the spirit world. We have 3D bodies, and perceptions based upon the mindset we hold about things. I could offer you a home made cookie, and if you thought I loved you, you might think, "Oh, look what Cuz did for me, isn't that nice." If you thought I didn't love you, you might think, "Is she trying to make me fat?" Sadly, loving actions and truth can get trumped by the perceiver's mindset about something, eclipsing the truth. 


The ego's use of love is more like a commodity. "I'll love you if I get something back", and it's usually love that the other person wants, but if I think I'm unlovable, I'll settle for money or things.  One of my teachers said that all arguments are about "You don't love me enough."   Arguments are caused when something happens that causes the other person to interpret that the other person did something unloving to them. My personal belief holds that Love is enough, and if the real love is strong enough, it can heal any ego disorder or misperception. 


And here's the one you might not want to hear: even if our minds create a rift and hatred, our spirit selves, which are love, are still extending love to each other. It can create illness in the body actually to have such contrast held. Holding resentment is one of the characteristics of "cancer" personalities. I looked that up when Raphael was diagnosed with melanoma last summer. We Heavenly kids have got to undo resentments fast, as cancer is in100% of our gene lines.


Another thing about love is that we can beam it out and it affects everyone, everyone, even the "bad guys", and actually helps turn them around, but

it doesn't judge. It won't work if I think, "I'm sending love out to Michael and Gabriel for the purpose of healing that relationship." Then I'm judging, and manipulating. I'll just keep sending love to you guys. I somehow trust that you two have to walk with this rift between you for awhile, and that even if you carry it to the grave, and your legacy is "Oh, the Celestial line had those two brothers who hated each other in it, and it weakened us for awhile...." that when you pass over you'll feel the love that is truly there. 


If for no apparent reason you feel a little smile bubble up within, it might be because I'm loving you dearly. It was difficult to write this letter, but I thought

that as the matriarch, AND someone who loves you both, I needed to give you a perspective of how it might be perceived down the line.


Hugs and out,


7:48 am hst

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